Angel gone after this season

I mean it's ok when people are video-games fanbois and bash other consoles and stuff.... I can take that...

But Buffy/Angel is untouchable. Unbashable. This could get real nasty really soon :LOL:

A Nintendo fanboi bashing MS is FINE.

People bashing Buffy/Angel should DIE in hell. :LOL: j/k
Legion said:
now i know to many Europeans and Americans live comfortable sheltered lives...

What are we arguing about here? Shitty shows. Yes Shitty ones. Shitty shows and shitty as Charles Angels. Thats fucking shitty.

Come on now. Buffy was bad at times, but overall it was still better than most stuff on tv. Both Buffy and Angel are high on the creative end of the spectrum compared to what else is on tv, they were both entertaining IMO, and Angel has not gotten to the point where it needs to be put down(unlike, say, The Simpsons).
StealthHawk said:
Legion said:
now i know to many Europeans and Americans live comfortable sheltered lives...

What are we arguing about here? Shitty shows. Yes Shitty ones. Shitty shows and shitty as Charles Angels. Thats fucking shitty.

Come on now. Buffy was bad at times, but overall it was still better than most stuff on tv. Both Buffy and Angel are high on the creative end of the spectrum compared to what else is on tv, they were both entertaining IMO, and Angel has not gotten to the point where it needs to be put down(unlike, say, The Simpsons).

And angel was crap for a little while with Connor and Cordelia it was quite boring, but this season they are back to their best... and they get dropped...


as for Buffy... |I think she deserved the cut to take her out of her misery.
No kidding, this is the best season of Angel since the first (especially the eps with Buffy and Faith).
My girlfriend is going to be very upset to hear about this news. OTOH, I am pleasantly surprised. I figured this would be the last season of Angel or else WB would be forced to move it to a different time slot. It pains me to see many shows go over the top too soon and this is what has happened with Angel. I was never a fan of the series but watched it on and off when nothing better was on TV, it is a shame it has to come to this as now my girlfriend really doesn't have any one hour shows on TV she likes besides Smallville and Stargate.

I used to be a hardcore X-files fan until the fifth season when it went way over the top. I begged for the series to end and it took a longer time than that. The thing about Angel is that I'm not sad to see it go considering it is making little to no money for the station. Smallville's move to Wednesday was supposed to be a saving grace for Angel but that ended up not happening.

Regarding Fox, I imagine The OC is getting rather good ratings and maybe better than Angel did considering they are in the same timeslot. I wonder if Fox will be able to keep The OC series going or if it will be cancelled soon.