Anandtech Oblivion Benches

wishiknew said:
Would it really have killed Anandtech if they did some extra AA+HDR testing?

The AA hit on the X1k isn't even that big on Oblivion.

Its not possible to use both AA and HDR, it can MAYBE be possible on the x1800 and x1900, but that card and its varieties, is the only on marked who can.
kimg said:
Its not possible to use both AA and HDR, it can MAYBE be possible on the x1800 and x1900, but that card and its varieties, is the only on marked who can.

I think its best if you do a search on the Chuck patch.
Thanks for the info BByte. I wasn't looking to fault them in their benching methodology, I was just curious how they did it since Oblivion is a bit of a bitch to bench. :)
fallguy said:
Its not nitpicking, its calling them out. Its not a moot point about being right or wrong on their pricing statements, AT gets a TON of hits from people looking for answers, and suggestions in reviews. Making misleading statements (or just plain wrong) like they did, is a huge disservice to their readers.

Just like only benches at 1280x1024, and with no AA. Who runs X1900's in CF, or GTX in SLI, at that res, with no AA? Show of hands, anyone? Tell you how the card runs the game, is all you ask? Well, that would be nice. But their very limited benchmarks do not do anything for me. They do not show me a thing.

Misleading? The only thing misleading here is your thought that everyone under the sun buys online. So going with MSRP pricing is the correct thing to do. Now they could add links to sites where people could buy for cheaper, but as most people who dont know better anyways will buy from BB, CUSA or some other major retailer WHAT DAMN DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

And I play without FSAA, I refuse to use it as I think high res game play is better. Sure it looks great for screen shots, but I play the games, I dont stop and look for jaggies. I dont try and find them while I play. I simply play the game, I dont stop to enjoy the graphics Like some of you people apparently do.
XMAN26 said:
And I play without FSAA, I refuse to use it as I think high res game play is better. Sure it looks great for screen shots, but I play the games, I dont stop and look for jaggies. I dont try and find them while I play. I simply play the game, I dont stop to enjoy the graphics Like some of you people apparently do.
Playing with or without FSAA is subjective, but the common sense in us dictates us to turn on most of the settings when we plunk down $500+ on a videocard.

As for stopping and looking for it concern, I dont know but most of the games I play are not UT where I keep running on and on and on .. :???:
I'm runing an a64 venice @ 2.55 ghz right now (285 HTT, 512k cache). These anandtech benchies are showing me some benefit of moving to dual core, unlike firingsquad's CPU scaling article. Should I upgrade? I'm running 1900xt.

Also to the person who said it is largely CPU dependant: that statement needs to be qualified. It seems to be only true when running X1900XT Crossfire from Anandtech's benchies as well as in Towns (makes sense, lots of AI routines).
pakotlar said:
I'm runing an a64 venice @ 2.55 ghz right now (285 HTT, 512k cache). These anandtech benchies are showing me some benefit of moving to dual core, unlike firingsquad's CPU scaling article. Should I upgrade? I'm running 1900xt.

Also to the person who said it is largely CPU dependant: that statement needs to be qualified. It seems to be only true when running X1900XT Crossfire from Anandtech's benchies as well as in Towns (makes sense, lots of AI routines).
If you want to upgrade wait for intel's conroe or amd's am2.
I have my eye on a conroe.. if you can buy a low end version and run it close to to the fastest not extreme edition cpu.
like with my 3200 winchester I got it runnin at 2.4 ghz.
i can run some benchmarks at 2.6 ghz but not prime95 or any superpi/fastpi.
serenity said:
Playing with or without FSAA is subjective, but the common sense in us dictates us to turn on most of the settings when we plunk down $500+ on a videocard.

As for stopping and looking for it concern, I dont know but most of the games I play are not UT where I keep running on and on and on .. :???:

I play Q3A, UT, UT2k4, Oblivion, Flat Out, IGI, IWD, BG, BG2, D3, Diablo2 just to name a few. I dont sit still and I'm constantly moving, ie playing the game. I dont stop to look at the trees, the buildings, the skyline or anything else trying to find jaggies or anything else for that matter.
radeonic2 said:
If you want to upgrade wait for intel's conroe or amd's am2.
I have my eye on a conroe.. if you can buy a low end version and run it close to to the fastest not extreme edition cpu.
like with my 3200 winchester I got it runnin at 2.4 ghz.
i can run some benchmarks at 2.6 ghz but not prime95 or any superpi/fastpi.

cool. yeah i was thinking the same.