Anandtech is shutting down

end of an era, thanks for the content ryan and crew, you will be missed
Ah, sad, so many briliant articles about gpu architecture. I feel similarly when was closed few years ago.
One of the first tech sites I used to visit regularly and which probably helped fuel my love for tech. AT will be missed.
It was quite obvious the website started circling the drain a while back.

It was great for a long time and I will really miss the in-depth reviews (which we might not get anywhere else). Especially when everything has moved to YouTube clickbait videos without depth or substance.
I hope someone there collects everything together and gives a copy to the internet archive, so this knowledge isn't lost forever.
I hope someone there collects everything together and gives a copy to the internet archive, so this knowledge isn't lost forever.
Like said in the article, despite closing AnandTech down Future will keep the site with it's current content online indefinitely and Forums will keep running with moderator team provided by Future.
This is just speculation obviously but it seems like a big catalyst issue was that they stopped doing GPUs from which they never recovered. From what I've heard the trigger point was possibly losing their GPU test equipment from California fires? If you're not doing GPU coverage it seems like that would be a huge loss of audience issue given the target demographic likely resulting in a funding spiral. The GPU writer (Ryan Smith) then having to pull double duty being new editor in chief with Anand leaving probably didn't help here resource wise. GPU coverage also at this point, especially in terms of gaming/consumer relevance, also seemed to moved on in terms of expectations.

The CPU coverage also while at a time more ground breaking in terms of depth likely lost lustre due to both alternative content and the writer leaving (Ian Cutress) and other content sites also going into some depth. Otherwise the CPU coverage wasn't really all that engaging for most consumers and I'd say behind the times now.

Anandtech also had something going for them in being early in SSD coverage and innovating there but that also seemed to have stopped once the writer (I think Billy Tallis?) left to work in industry? Now there's also a lot of compentent SSD coverage. There seems to be a trend here.
This is just speculation obviously but it seems like a big catalyst issue was that they stopped doing GPUs from which they never recovered. From what I've heard the trigger point was possibly losing their GPU test equipment from California fires? If you're not doing GPU coverage it seems like that would be a huge loss of audience issue given the target demographic likely resulting in a funding spiral. The GPU writer (Ryan Smith) then having to pull double duty being new editor in chief with Anand leaving probably didn't help here resource wise. GPU coverage also at this point, especially in terms of gaming/consumer relevance, also seemed to moved on in terms of expectations.

The CPU coverage also while at a time more ground breaking in terms of depth likely lost lustre due to both alternative content and the writer leaving (Ian Cutress) and other content sites also going into some depth. Otherwise the CPU coverage wasn't really all that engaging for most consumers and I'd say behind the times now.

Anandtech also had something going for them in being early in SSD coverage and innovating there but that also seemed to have stopped once the writer (I think Billy Tallis?) left to work in industry? Now there's also a lot of compentent SSD coverage. There seems to be a trend here.
Additionally, on the latter point, Anand and Brian’s coverage of smartphones and tablets was really amazing.

I guess, in the end, you either move with the times or the times move you. Maybe if they had been able to move to a hybrid setup with both articles and YouTube videos (as well as direct to consumer subscriptions), that would’ve saved them.
Sad, but probably inevitable. The site seemed to lose its mojo a few years ago.

Not helped by demographic shifts I guess. Generation TL;DR and Generation TL;DW don't want this sort of content.
Genuinely surprised it lasted that long, given how hard it has always been to get written in-depth technical content to a large enough audience to make it financially worth it.

All that’s really left now in that arena, where the content strives to have some unique depth and dig at the hardware, are niche hobbyist publishers that aren’t in it for the money (yet). End of an era.

Hope Ryan ends up somewhere visible, I’ve always been a big fan of his work.
Damned, I'm no longer into hardware or gaming, still every now and then I check the news and Anandtech was my go to website for news and analysis.

That site is a legacy part of the internet, when it was about sound discussion, knowledgeable people, respect and next to no marketing bullcrap.
I don't know them but I hope the team can rebound somehow, in that tik-tok era with people with a 30 seconds attention spams, it is going to be rough but they are quality people, top of the class.

It reminds me when closed, it felt like the end of an era, it was a shrinking, now… I instantly came to check if the forum here was still alive along with the techreport.

Anyway, I can't say I like the century, sure tech is great but everything sour, and along with that… aging lol…

With that say, long live to B3D, and remnant of I hope an undying era ;)
Future will keep the site with it's current content online indefinitely and Forums will keep running with moderator team provided by Future.
Great but can they be trusted to do it? How is it funded if it's from profits generated by Future what happens if they get into financial difficulties, what happens if they get a new ceo who decides they need to cut costs, which is why I'd like to also see an independent archive and also see them package the whole site into an archive so if they did close they could post "hey we are closing soon if you'd like to host a copy of our site we packaged it up into a single archive for you"
Damned, I'm no longer into hardware or gaming, still every now and then I check the news and Anandtech was my go to website for news and analysis.

That site is a legacy part of the internet, when it was about sound discussion, knowledgeable people, respect and next to no marketing bullcrap.
I don't know them but I hope the team can rebound somehow, in that tik-tok era with people with a 30 seconds attention spams,
You probably made a good point but TBH I got bored of reading by this point and moved on.
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