AMD: R9xx Speculation

Well that speculative chart on the previous page was estimating ~450 USD for 6870. I'm going to be a very sad panda if that's the case. :( Although if it comes by default with 2 GB of memory (extremely doubtful) I wouldn't be too teary eyed.

Lowered supply constraints just means prices should fall over time (even without much comp) rather than the product getting EOL'd at a higher price than it launched for a variety of reasons. First among them being that a higher price is going to lower demand, and greater supply of wafers means a greater supply. Thus it'll reach equilibrium sooner rather than later (or never) and eventually supply will outstrip demand, at which point to maximize sales they'll have to drop price to stimulate demand. In other words, it'll still launch at the higher price, but over time it's much more likely to drop in price than what happened with a supply constrained 5870.

Of course, if the Die is ~15% larger they'll need 15% or more wafers just to maintain the same supply of chips and cards.

Unfortunatelly, these benchmarks are likely fakes. At least the Unigine "screenshot" is. Notice, that number "2" in "scores" differs from number "2" in "min FPS". Different (bolder) font...
Unfortunatelly, these benchmarks are likely fakes. At least the Unigine "screenshot" is. Notice, that number "2" in "scores" differs from number "2" in "min FPS". Different (bolder) font...
Fake they may be, but that reasoning doesn't make much sense. If you're going to mock up an Unigine benchmark, why would you bother manipulating an image when it's much easier to just edit the results html-file (of which that's a screenshot).
It looks as though min and max FPS are not as bold. But why would anyone fake it like that makes no sense,

Just like people faked the hell out of Fermi scores before launch ..

Honestly if these are fakes I will be disappointed , we haven't had much of an architectural fun for along time now ..
So, do we really expect a dual-gpu by AMD soon?
There is no real need for it: AMD will have the fastest card around. And i guess margin on dual gpu are lower than on single gpu card.
So, do we really expect a dual-gpu by AMD soon?
There is no real need for it: AMD will have the fastest card around. And i guess margin on dual gpu are lower than on single gpu card.

That depends on how much they want to sell them for. They could use it as a vehicle to sell lower leakage defect parts, so in comparison to the 6850 they would have otherwise gone into, they would get higher margins.
You say the benchmarks are likely to be fake, but I think they show results that are well within expectations. If the 1920 shader in groups of 4 rumours are true, then you have a 20% increase in shaders and up to 20% increase in efficiency. That's up to 44% faster than Evergreen. There could be more, since memory bandwith seems to go up by 33%. If you add increased teseletion power and consider early drivers, a 30% boost at the moment sounds very reasonable to me, maybe around 40% at launch and about 50% when drivers mature. FWIW, IMO, YMMV etc. :)
You say the benchmarks are likely to be fake, but I think they show results that are well within expectations. If the 1920 shader in groups of 4 rumours are true, then you have a 20% increase in shaders and up to 20% increase in efficiency. That's up to 44% faster than Evergreen. There could be more, since memory bandwith seems to go up by 33%. If you add increased teseletion power and consider early drivers, a 30% boost at the moment sounds very reasonable to me, maybe around 40% at launch and about 50% when drivers mature. FWIW, IMO, YMMV etc. :)

1920 SPs/ 4 wide VLIW = 480 TPs. 480 TPs/16 TPs per SIMD = 30 SIMDs. 30 SIMDs *4 TMUs per SIMD = 120 TMUs. How big would be this GPU? Bigger than R600?