I did not try to claim, it´s the truth, if your drive fails out of warranty you have to pay for the repair it´s not the manufactures problem. You make it a problem by saying that "then they don´t buy games" of course not, if they choose to not get it repaired?
So your argument is that manufactures should consider the reliability of optical drives because if a drive breaks down, then the customer might not get it repaired and then he/she wont buy more games.....?
Lets just play with this scenario, that would be someone that either didn´t have a lot of games since they would be worthless without a working console or someone that didn´t really should have bought the console to begin with since they didn´t need it for games.
"My blu-ray is broken i will stop buying movies"
How about
My blu-ray player is broken but I have rent due , car payment and grocery bills so I gotta wait on buying a new bluray player. 3-5 months down the line consumer picks up a new bluray player. now there is 3-5 months of loss sales .
My ps3 bluray drive broke and I didn't buy games for almost 6 months and i only bought uncharted 2 cause i was able to install a custom firmware .
its a very real posiblity esp as consumers these days have more and more outlets for gaming