Addicted to my health app.


Specious Misanthrope
It seems that I am obsessed with the little block of data produced by the built in health app produced by my phone. The upside is that I now run more than 10 miles a day. The downside is that I run more than 10 miles every day.
Mind your knees please. Especially if you run on asphalt...

I've fucked up my knees somehow and I don't even run, so I would recommend avoiding following me down this path. It rather sucks, tbh.

I know what you mean about health apps tho, I bought an Apple Watch, and became somewhat enamored with filling the little colored circles it displays in a widget on the watchface. Then I broke my iPhone, so my watch was reduced to mostly just a regular watch... Meh. What can you do?
I have a pretty low impact gait, but I am very cautious. I fall back to a walk if I feel any discomfort.
I'm almost up to level 3 with Mango! (A health app my wife made me use for something-something discount/bonus with our insurance)
Oh god running is so boring...
I'll have a good marathon of dancing, fitness, riding the bike, functional training, martial arts, elliptical, chess, washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen counter and that-latest-stupid-tap-game-for-android before ever going to run.

Plus, my knees creak.
Is it normal for knees to creak?
I do the dancing/cooking/cleaning thing a lot, it really does give me a decent cardio work out and it makes doing chores a lot more fun. :)
Oh god running is so boring...
I'll have a good marathon of dancing, fitness, riding the bike, functional training, martial arts, elliptical, chess, washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen counter and that-latest-stupid-tap-game-for-android before ever going to run.

Plus, my knees creak.
Is it normal for knees to creak?
Whatever works for you. I put on my headphones and it goes fairly quickly. I've done other fitness training stuff but the only thing I stick with aside from the running is a bit of weight training.

I'm not sure how you can mention elliptical and call anything else boring.
Elliptical is pretty damn boring, but you can do it while watching a movie or something.

The head stays perfectly still in the elliptical (if you do it right) so I can watch some stuff at the gym.

Plus, the knees! I can't help but have this feeling that runners will be dragging their asses around by the time they're 75.
My wife is looking at a knee replacement soon, so I'm starting to take my own knees a bit less for granted. :s

EDITED BITS: Oh, and the whole family has been dieting a bit trying to help my wife lose weight to help ease her knee problems. Nothing severe; cutting out a lot of carbohydrates, sweets, and trying to cut way down on Coke. Been going well so far. :)
Elliptical is also a lot easier on the knees, that's why we got one for my wife not to use. :yep2:

Back when my sister, my parents and I all lived together, my sister would routinely decide that she wanted to exercise and ask me to carry the exercise bike from the garage up to her room (two floors above); then she'd realize that she never used it and that it was taking up valuable space in her room and ask me to carry it back down to the garage, then decide that she wanted to exercise again, and so on.

I swear I've burned more calories carrying this thing up and down the house than she ever has using it.
That elliptical trainer was a BITCH to get into my basement, there's still a dent in some drywall where it couldn't quite clear the understairs.
The head stays perfectly still in the elliptical (if you do it right) so I can watch some stuff at the gym.

Plus, the knees! I can't help but have this feeling that runners will be dragging their asses around by the time they're 75.
I can just as easily enjoy an audio book or podcast while running.

Going to the gym or working out at home on a bike or whatever just never works for me. Gym is ok when I have a friend with the same time available, but that just doesn't happen much anymore for me. If I don't have a friend there I have a hard time getting motivated. (I find myself sitting around) Home just has way too many distractions. Running I can almost always work up the will to leave and once I get going... Well I have to come back so unless I call a cab I'll likely get my run in.

As for the bad knees thing. Of all the people I know with knee problems they always seem to be overweight(yes I am not counting athletes). Maybe because they repurposed their elliptical into a clothes dryer. There are octogenarians who run marathons so it's not a guarantee you will have bad knees if you run.

As I said before if it works for you, that's great.
I tried giving up Strava (mostly for my bike commute) and just us Google fit instead. I couldn't do it for long!

Particularly liking the beta flyby feature that lets you see what other cyclists on your route have done.
I have no problems zoning out while on the elliptical machine; the problem is getting my butt to the gym in the first place. Meh!

I suppose I could bring my iPad and watch some Dr. Who while I'm there or something, but still... I'm not completely convinced that would actually improve my ability to convince myself to get down there in the first place. I've become such a recluse in my later years, it's tough for me to get out and do stuff. :(
What's the best one for iPhone? My wife wants one that keeps track of movement and sleep, preferably.