abc tv show "lost"


Passenger on Serenity
Ok, this is the first show since firefly that actually looks good from the previews. Anyone else planning on watching this show?

watched it last night. Really really liked it. Anyone else watch the show?

I think the next episode will have a story line that deals with a passenger that will be suspected of bringing down the airplane. Also can we say dinosaours? ;)

Just watched it last night. It was OK, not as good as the reviews had led me to believe it would be. But I'm not a big TV person.
CMAN said:
Never heard of it before. What is it supposed to be about?
plane crashes, they are really off course, so no hope of rescue. And possibly big, very big predators.

JR, i dont [know], im getting the same feeling i got after watching the first episode (technically 3rd) of firefly, which was that it was a bad ass show. Lets see if it gets better.
