A test.


A girl attends her mother's funeral and meets the guy of her dreams at the funeral. They talk and they hit it off. But at the end of the day when he leaves, she realizes that she never got his last name or his number.

The next day the girl's older sister is murdered. Why?
I wont spoil it as I have heard of this before and tested it on a few people. One guy got the answer right (or wrong depending on your point of view).

The version I read initially has the mother being murdered....
Personally, I rather tend to think the people posting these things at web-boards are the true sociopaths. Most of these (so called) lateral thinking riddles are so old and, trite and contrived that I can hardly believe they’re still making the rounds.

The Albatross one is my personal favorite for unworthy dribble ever. This one is a close second. :rolleyes:

Sorry for the rant, and no, I won't spoil any further 'fun' by giving away the answer.
You are only a sociopath if you actually did this, I believe.

The answer is that she kills her sister to meet the guy again and get his number.
I didn't mean to come off rude (but I see that I might have). Sorry. It's just that I believe that 'a test' should have some logic consitency to it, and this one doesn't. There are an infinite number of hypotheses that fit the given data and the 'right' answer make as little or much sense as any of them. It's a verbal Rorschach test, i.e. inherently without meaning.
What's the one with the albatross?
Two men went into a restaurant. They both ordered the same dish from the menu. After they tasted it, one of the men went outside the restaurant and killed himself. Why?
I didn't mean to come off rude (but I see that I might have). Sorry. It's just that I believe that 'a test' should have some logic consitency to it, and this one doesn't. There are an infinite number of hypotheses that fit the given data and the 'right' answer make as little or much sense as any of them. It's a verbal Rorschach test, i.e. inherently without meaning.
Two men went into a restaurant. They both ordered the same dish from the menu. After they tasted it, one of the men went outside the restaurant and killed himself. Why?
It's okay, I just like getting the answers and saying "Congratulations, you're a sociopath".

I agree that the test doesn't really make any sense though.

I can't figure out the albotross one.
You are only a sociopath if you actually did this, I believe.

The answer is that she kills her sister to meet the guy again and get his number.

That's absurd! There is no way of knowing that the man would care if the older sister died. He was likely an associate of the mother, but not a friend of the family at large, because if he was then the girl would almost certainly have previously known him.

If anything, the man was a hitman who was sent to kill the mother and older sister, but by chance the sister wasn't at the chosen location. Moreover, she had moved away from home, and in order to determine her location, he used his charm to extract the necessary information from the younger sister.
Two men went into a restaurant. They both ordered the same dish from the menu. After they tasted it, one of the men went outside the restaurant and killed himself. Why?
That one is actually quite good and perhaps not too contrived.

I haven't looked at the link (after all, these don't work very well unless you can ask "yes/no" questions).

One of my favourites is: "There is dead man in a desert. He is naked and holding a match. Why?"
I answered that the guy was a hitman and already knew her name and number in order to get to her sister.
He wasn't in a desert, he was standing on sulphur(it looks like desert).
Kind of confusing:
He and a number of other passengers were making a balloon trip in a desperate attempt to flee a country. The balloon had to lose weight to stop it from crashing. He drew the short match and had to jump.
The man in the bar one is awesome, I didn't get it (despite the impression that i've heard it before), unlike many of the others which I had satisfactory variants of the answer.

The albatross one is contrived though.
The vast majority of these little puzzles are extremely contrived. I mean, things like the "A man is performing his job when his suit tears. Less than 5 minutes later, he's dead." or the "A man eats food which is not poisoned, but causes him to die." Both of those are perfectly fine, and have rather acceptable responses (though the second one has an alternate answer which is a bit ... eeeh.).

But puzzles like the "A man meets a one-armed man on the subway, who then pulls out a gun and shoots him." one is just all too contrived. The worst one I've ever seen had to be that "A man is dead in a room with a small pile of woodchips and sawdust." That's just not a puzzle by any means.