9800 Pro Noise Level?


Thinking about getting a new computer. A Dell to be exact. They offer three gfx cards for the model I'm interested in. A 9800XT which is too expensive and a 9800 Pro and an FX5200. Now I really don't play many PC games but I'd like to have the option should I feel like it and for that the FX5200 isn't much good.

However, I'm also concerned about noise. I reckon the FX5200 doesn't make much noise but what about the 9800 Pro? It doesn't need to be 100% silent but anything more than a slight hum would probably push me towards the FX5200.
I have a case with a side and top fan, so I can't hear my 9800pro at all. But it really isn't loud at all. It is the sapphire one with the standard ati hsf. It's the quietest thing that makes noise in my case, sans hard drives. And how could you be putting the 98 in a dilemna with a 52? Cmon now, get the pro.
The 9800 PRO is very quiet! If you wanted it quieter, you could always get a VGA Silencer from Arctic Cooling. I have both! My CPU hsf is the loudest thing in my box.

If you want to play any of the new games this Xmas, don't bother with a 5200/9200 class card!!