480p in all Gamecube games?


I just read a thread where someone kind of suggested it may be possible to force the GC games to run in progressive scan, even games that don't support it. Apparently it involves flashing the bios.

The reason I'm interested in this is that I play all my games on a vga monitor, I don't have a TV (don't want a crappy one, don't have $$ or space for a good one.) I use the KeyDigital XBlaster and GC component video cables. Works great for games that support 480p. Unfortunately not all of the good games do. I've been looking for a way to play the few games that I like that don't feature 480p support for a long time, but it always came down to buying a scaler/upconverter. The good ones are insanely expensive, and the crappy ones are.. well, crappy. I basically gave up on the idea until I found that thread.

So my question is, does anyone know how to do that (or even if it really is possible)? Does it require a mod chip, or can it be done through the PSO networking bug? I spent like 2 days googling for more information, but to no avail. I'm not interested in playing burned games or imports, all I want is to be able to play REmake, RE0, Beyond Good & Evil and Tales of Symphonia on my monitor. Thanks in advance.
Is the GC bios even flashable? I'm very sceptical about that being the case, as it would just be a half-open door for hackers that invites trouble for nintendo. Rather, I would think it to be a straight mask-programmed rom inside one of the main chips (flipper most probably). I've never seen any pic of the GC mainboard where a flashrom is marked out...
There are 2 MX chips on the topside of the board, but I haven't seen them up close to tell what type of parts they are. I've heard that at least one of them is a ROM of some sort, but I don't know if it's flashable.