3D Grass....Possible???

Hello guys im was just looking at the new UT2007 pics and noticed that the grass is still 2D. Surely with the power of 360 and PS3 we should be seeing 3D grass by now?? Could it be done using procedual synthesis or a pixel shader???

Could we still see it in the future on these console's or will we have to wait for PS4 and the next x-box??
Yeah, I gotta say the grass sticks out like a sore thumb in the UE games I've seen sofar.

Grass modelled with geometry is perfectly possible, and you will see this gen I've no doubt. We've already seen it in PS2/Xbox/GC games (though not really for very thin, fine grass, that's usually shown using transparent textures). But it's more expensive, of course. For large areas of grass, a mix of techniques is probably best - your grass far away doesn't need to be "3D".

Modelled grass would also be nice from a physical modelling perspective too.
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_phil_ said:

Yeah, this is definitely one current-gen game I was thinking of. I'll confess to have only recently started playing this - thusfar, the grass seems to be mostly "wider" ticker blades. Do we see more variation, with really "thin" grass later?
It's definately possible. But it's a trade-off. Do you waste your poly budget on thousands of blades of grass or do you spend it on character's faces, body's etc?
FIFA 06 and Tiger Woods 06 for the 360 both have grassy grass grass. It's static, but you wouldn't expect lawn to blow about anyway; unlike the long stuff in Kameo.
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Jawed said:
Isn't there "real grass" in Kameo?


Put the camera vertical and you'll see they are plain 2D sprites.

I have seen an engine with impressive grass running on a GF4Ti and 2GHz processor sometimes ago, don't remember the tech used however.
I have seen grass rendered like fur (same idea, obviously it looks like grass, hé :p ) it was nice.
There's a rather impressive grass demo for PS2 that was developed by some hobby enthusiast on the linux-kit pushing an insane amount of polygons with wind making them move accoarding to the controllers input...
Ingenu said:
Put the camera vertical and you'll see they are plain 2D sprites.

no, it is 3d
the 3d leafs are plain in nature, but look how the grass moves when kameo walk on it

another 3d grass instanced is in fifa2006
Camera vertical, there's no more grass, grass is then made of 2D sprites, period.

Talking about Elf's stronghold (floating island), will check for the battlefield.
Ingenu said:
Camera vertical, there's no more grass, grass is then made of 2D sprites, period.

Talking about Elf's stronghold (floating island), will check for the battlefield.

the grass reacts to the light sources in realtime, the grass moves as kameo walk on it = grass 3d

if you look vertically a plain poligon, there's no poligon
this is the abc of 3d:???:
Yes. It's ridiculous to say that Kameo and King Kong's grass are 2D. That's like saying a polygon in a 3D model is 2D when viewed orthogonally.
A176 said:
Why does grass have to be 3D?

When was the last time you people looked at a blade of grass?


If we don't render realistic flora in games, some gamers may grow up not knowing what plants even look like. Either that or they'd have to go outside - and I'm not sure we should encourage that kind of thing.