[360, PS3] Wolfenstein


In a world seemingly dominated by popular young upstarts (we're looking at you, Halo and Gears of War), it's good to see that granddaddy of FPS genre, Castle Wolfenstein, is still keen to stake a claim in the genre it arguably created.

Id's Kevin Cloud said in an interview that the company and Raven (who has already collaborated on Quake 4) "are working together to take advantage of all the graphic capabilities that the Xbox 360 has to offer, and what we're doing with Wolfenstein is creating this one, large empire that is seamlessly loaded to the player as he explores his world."

I'm so hyped for this game,it's ridiculous really.I am more hyped for this than for Halo3...

I really liked RTCW and a next gen. wolfenstein game tailored for the 360 could be a sight to behold.I am sure that Id will try to dethrone epic when it comes to xbox360 graphics.
Sounds opposite of RTCW, which is a shame. I have no confidence in Raven after playing Quake 4.
Is this still an FPS? I'm asking because of the exploration thing. And id wanted to depart from games where you just blow stuff up sometime, maybe this is it?
Quake 4 was rather bad, but they've really excellent games too in the recent past.

Well, Raven has put out some real gems, SoF2 is a game I consider to have one of the best multiplayer ever (I spent 3 years playing that game alone) but nothing as of recent comes to mind. *Depends on definition of recent!
I just hope we don't see aggressive texture popping.

Is that when you walk into a scene and one second a texture is all blurry and flat and BAM this higher detailed texture pops onto it? If so I saw that quite a bit in GOW on things like doors and door frames.
yup. It's loading the lower mips first and then the higher level ones. It's the trade-off of streaming the entire game as you play. i.e. no major loading screens or times. Halo 2 did this too.
Quake 4 was rather bad, but they've really excellent games too in the recent past.

it was better then doom 3! but it did drag quite a bit for me. Actually got bored and quit about 2/3 of the way through on the hardest mode (was cheating by that time too just so i had enough ammo, was never enough ammo andi couldnt kill everything with that damn blaster!). Got fed up and checked out a walkthrough just to see how much was left then said "f' it". I hate cheating at games.

Really though, it wasnt bad for a quake game, it delivered exactly what it should have.
Technically this game should be quite interesting as it uses IDs new engine.
It should use successor to mega texture technology seen in quake wars and is rumored to be able to have unique textures on all objects in the game world.

Also new Wolfestein is never a bad thing. :D
Technically this game should be quite interesting as it uses IDs new engine.
It should use successor to mega texture technology seen in quake wars and is rumored to be able to have unique textures on all objects in the game world.

I thought the new Wolfenstien game was a new implimentation of Megatextures + advancement in the Doom3 rendering engine and that their new engine is for their new IP. Former being developed on the 360 as the base platform and the later being developed with the hopes of being released on the PC, 360, and PS3.

I could be wrong, but that is how I understood it.
Technically this game should be quite interesting as it uses IDs new engine.
It should use successor to mega texture technology seen in quake wars and is rumored to be able to have unique textures on all objects in the game world.

Also new Wolfestein is never a bad thing. :D
Yes, Wolfenstein (Xbox) is one of the better games I've ever played.

Time ago, for me, there were two types of games, Carmack's games -albeit in my opinion Doom 3 is not his best game- and the rest. I used to tell people; "have you ever seen anything like that?".

He is a code genius and since he has announced that XTS is the main developer (iD) platform I'm even more excited about his future projects.

Btw, Kevin Cloud from iD Software has said exactly that Wolfenstein is going to make the most of X360's graphical possibilities.

Kevin Cloud di id Software ha rivelato durante una intervista che l'obiettivo primario del team di sviluppo di Castle Wolfenstein, il nuovo episodio del famoso FPS adambientazione bellica, punta a sfruttare al 100% le doti grafiche della Xbox 360. Inoltre gli sviluppatori vogliono realizzare un mondo vastissimo che sarà caricato mentre il giocatore avanza nell'esplorazione: immaginate un Oblivion con mitra e nazisti ovunque, insomma.

John Carmack ha inoltre ribadito che i tool di sviluppo di Xbox 360 sono i migliori disponibili ad oggi, migliori perfino di quelli esistenti per PC. Non vediamo l'ora di saperne di più su questo gioco, vi terremo informati.
il nuovo episodio del famoso FPS adambientazione bellica, punta a sfruttare al 100% le doti grafiche della Xbox 360.

That's basically saying they will "use 100% of the X360's capabilities" and we all know that those kind of claims are both not very accurate and a bit useless too. It's marketing speak, not technical, as it is impossible to get 100% utilisation out of a platform.
So far the most interesting thing I've heard about the next Wolfenstein is this from scifi.com...

Hollenshead added: "It's all the cool stuff from Wolfenstein, a kind of Indiana Jones and X-Files world of science fiction. We're doing away with the concepts of levels, where you go from point A to point B. You won't be removed from the environment. Now it's all seamless and it will not even [have] the little loading bar at the bottom of the screen. Nothing will take you out of the world you are in."