[360, PS3] Brütal Legend

This game was surprisingly FUN! Plus, I don't really get "humor" in my games much. Don't know whether I'm getting to jaded or what, but the one liners was rather entertaining during the demo. Not a purchase for me, but this is for sure on my list.
Finally a game that Ild pay to play.
Has anything like this been done before?
I cant think of anything
I haven't seen anything like this. Which I find strange because it seems such a perfect fit for a videogame. They can simply choose from everything that is associated with metal that's already made and put in the game. And I can't think of a more natural fit for the main character then Jack Black.

I've played the demo to death, can't wait for the full game.
And I can't think of a more natural fit for the main character then Jack Black.

Um, pretty much any cast member from Metalocalypse or Aqua-Teen Hunger Force? Carl as the main character would be awesome. Probably any front man from just about any metal band on any larger death or black metal label (or maybe Joey from ManoWar)? Hell, even someone out of scene like Rob Zombie would have been able to deliver a less smarmy delivery of the material and at least has a horror connection.

Jack Black is only a hair better than having Ben Stiller do the role.

The demo was terrible IMHO.

I am definitely interested to know what happens once you are out of the demo portion in the real game and if the horrible breakup of game flow goes away or whether it is like that with non-stop cut scenes all the way through. Also, if the driving remains as horrible and if the fighting mechanics stay as unresponsive and random feeling.

The style and humor didn't sit well with me. Didn't care for the combat either. I found it difficult go get through the demo nevermind actually buying the game. I can see how it could click with others though. Bayonetta will be next action game.
I think it's times like this I really miss virtually all the Video Rental stores going out of business in my area. This looks like perfect rental material. Interested in checking it out, but not interested enough to want to plonk down more than 5 USD for it.

All I want to know is if the combat gets better later in the game.
In the demo it was extremely shallow, low budget licensed hack and slash level shallow.
Loved the presentation and humor though.
For some reason I tough this was more an adventure game, was quite disapointed when I finally clued up to it being a "hack n slash". But the demo was fun in the sense of JB and music, cut scenes etc.

So this goes on the, if I got spare time during christmas, playlist for me.
The style and humor didn't sit well with me. Didn't care for the combat either. I found it difficult go get through the demo nevermind actually buying the game. I can see how it could click with others though. Bayonetta will be next action game.

Heh :) I can't ever imagine myself playing Bayonetta, both the girl's and the enemies' designs are completely off putting to me. Seems like a light BDSM theme going on there and taking itself too seriously on top of that.

On the other hand I have nothing against Black Jack, not having seen too much of him so far, and I've had my metal period back in early high school so it also has some nostalgy factor as well. And I really, really like Schafer's humor, ever since Monkey Island.
Agree with Laa-Yosh, Bayonetta just looks embarassing, loved the Brutal Legend demo though, can't stand metal music and not a fan of Jack Black but couldn't help grinning all the way through.