[360, PS3] Aliens vs Predator

Having just got ahold of my Hunter edition and playing for hours, I must say this game does look good.

It's tons of fun to boot! Albeit the campaigns are kinda stitched together in a lazy fashion, MP rocks.

Ultimate thrills and craziness? Infestation mode.
This game just got added to my To Buy list. The SP campaign looks really good. I had no trouble with the controls on the demo whatsoever.
Yep, played the marine and Pred campaign for an hour the graphics really aren't as bad as the reviews said. The lighting and shadowing especially the flare in the marine levels really wowed me, SSAO also appeared on some objects. I really don't know what IGN was smoking when he gave it a 5.5 for graphics, oh well. Gonna dig in more with the marine story now.
Very good.

Albeit I recommend players who have any sort of FPS experience tackle it on "Hard' mode. On easy you can blow through the campaigns pretty quickly, especially if you just don't bother to kill people (like in the alien campaign).

Very enjoyable, even the old school boss fights are amusing.