$300 Robot video = $ 30 million Hollywood deal

Ugh, that EDF video - apart from being monstrously cliché - sucks. I absolutely hate and detest cuts every 1.5 seconds. Makes no sense.

If aliens can fly through deep space across lightyear distances, I think they'd manage to squash us meatbags too quite handily without even breaking a sweat. Heck, all they'd need to do is drop large stones on us from high orbit and we'd be so screwed it's not even funny. Instead I see people running around shooting SMGs or whatever at the aliens... FAIL.

Why would any space-faring alien get so close to any of us that we could shoot at it with a hand-held weapon? The makers of EDF must think all space aliens are complete retards.
If aliens can fly through deep space across lightyear distances, I think they'd manage to squash us meatbags too quite handily without even breaking a sweat.

Ah, but before that happens they will catch the common cold and Tom Cruise and his prodigal son reunite.
Roll credits.
You guys just don't get it, which is understandable. Most of you people on this forum are just nerds in your lawn chairs talking about everything and anything. The difference here is that this guy went out and DID IT while you sorry wannabes continue to sit here and tear other people's creative work apart.

The guy who made this short probably didn't even care about the technicalities or the plot or any of that other nonsensical BS you guys keep bringing up. He spent a measely $300 while you sorry wannabes wouldn't be able to do the same with $3000. Talk is cheap...

It's called creative talent...you wannabes wish you had some.:LOL:

Here is another cool short from a couple guys in a garage.

If you wanna talk, post some of your work up then we can talk, otherwise STFU....
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How stupid are you RudeCurve? There are millions of people creating such things and way sicker stuff and who never see a dime. Such a money for such a thin piece of plot is just ridiculous.

The guy did a fine job, noone criticizes that. Just the money thingy is crazy.
I'm pretty sure they didn't hire him for the plot/story, unless he was hired as a screenwriter. But if he was, he certainly wouldn't be getting a 30 million USD budget.

As a director I'm sure they are looking more at the effects, cuts, overall presentation, etc. Likewise, with the viral notoriety it got (before they offered him the money).

I found some of the effects quite well done for the money spent. And even better than some major films that were released in theatres. :p NOT talking about the robots or airships. :D

That said, 30 million is a bit much to throw at an unproven director, IMO. But I can guarantee it wasn't thrown at him for the plot/story. :)

Rudecurve, why would somebody be so impressed by the video? The CG isn't that technically amazing compared to other amateur CG you can find on the internet, and the concept and presentation are just really cheesy and derivative of pretty much every sci-fi cliche ever.

Moon cost $5 million and yet this somehow justifies 6 times the resources? I'm not even sure who they could sell it to as Uruguay probably has a huge bootleg market and I really don't see a straight-to-video release making back that much money.

Maybe the studios aren't funding this to actually make a profit, but to see what effect having been a popular internet viral video has on movie sales? That would actually make a lot of sense if this is just a bunch of R&D for future viral ad campaigns.
Either that, or they don't even bother analyzing but do it because so many people watched it and thus they assume the same sort of echo in the movie theatres.