Other names of Nations/Cities/Others

For westerners, I think it's kinda lame to have different city names. When traveling in Italy, for example, you've got to know Napoli = Naples, Firenze = Florence, etc. Italian words are perfectly memorable and easy to pronounce for any speaker of latin derived languages. Hell, latin pronunciations are even easier for Chinese (according to my wife)
English - Croatian

Croatia - Hrvatska
United Kingdom - Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
England - Engleska
Finland - Finska
Norway - Norveska
Iceland - Island
Danmark - Danska
Russia - Rusija
Greece - Grcka
Germany - Njemacka
France - Francuska
Spain - Spanjolska
Italy - Italija
Switzerland - Svicarska
Netherlands/Holland - Nizozemska
United States of America - Sjedinjene Americke Drzave
Mexico - Meksiko
Brazil - Brazil
Argentina - Argentina
China - Kina
India - Indija
Japan - Japan
Korea - Koreja
Belgium - Belgija
Turkey - Turska

are the same most of it

apart from the close (geographically/historically) ones that I remember

Wien - Bec
Munich - Minhen
Istanbul - Carigrad (means the town of the king, probably still from Byzantian Empire times)
Venice - Venecija
Rome - Rim
Neaples - Napulj
English - Danish

Denmark - Danmark
Croatia - Kroatien
Sweden - Sverige
England - England
Finland - Finland
Norway - Norge
Iceland - Island
Russia - Rusland
Greece - Grækenland
Germany - Tyskland
France - Frankrig
Spain - Spanien
Italy - Italien
Switzerland - Schweiz
Netherlands/Holland – Holland
United States of America - Amerikas forenede stater/USA
Mexico - Mexico
Brazil - Brazil
Argentina - Argentina
China - Kina
India - Indien
Japan - Japan
Korea - Korea
Belgium - Belgien
Turkey – Tyrkiet
English - Italian

Denmark - Danimarca
Croatia - Croazia
Sweden - Svezia
England - Inghilterra
Finland - Finlandia
Norway - Norvegia
Iceland - Islanda
Russia - Russia
Greece - Grecia
Germany - Germania
France - Francia
Spain - Spagna
Italy - Italia
Switzerland - Svizzera
Netherlands/Holland – Paesi Bassi/Olanda
United States of America - Stati Uniti d'America/USA
Mexico - Messico
Brazil - Brasile
Argentina - Argentina
China - Cina
India - India
Japan - Giappone
Korea - Corea
Belgium - Belgio
Turkey – Turchia

London - Londra
Paris - Parigi
Antwerp - Anversa
Berlin - Berlino
Munich - Monaco (yes, it can be mistaken with Monaco aka Montecarlo)
Marseille - Marsiglia
No USA city is called differently as far as I know.
English - Czech

Denmark - Dánsko
Croatia - Chorvatsko
Sweden - Švédsko
England - Anglie
Finland - Finsko
Norway - Norsko
Iceland - Island
Russia - Rusko
Greece - Řecko
Germany - Německo
France - Francie
Spain - Å panělsko
Italy - Itálie
Switzerland - Švýcarsko
Netherlands/Holland – Nizozemí/Holandsko
United States of America - Spojené státy americké
Mexico - Mexiko
Brazil - Brazílie
Argentina - Argentina
China - Čína
India - Indie
Japan - Japonsko
Korea - Korea
Belgium - Belgie
Turkey – Turecko
Czech Republic - Česká republika

London - Londýn
Paris - Paříž
Antwerp - Antverpy
Berlin - Berlín
Munich - Mnichov
Marseille - Marseille
Bordeaux - Bordó
Calais - Kale

Some cities in Germany and Austria:
Aachen - Cáchy
Regensburg - Řezno
Koln - Kolín nad Rýnem
Graz - Štýrský Hradec
Added the tiny difference needed to get the Swedish versions:

Tim said:
English - Danish

Denmark - Danmark
Croatia - Kroatien
Sweden - Sverige
England - England
Finland - Finland
Norway - Norge
Iceland - Island
Russia - Rusland
Greece - Grækenland - Swe: Grekland
Germany - Tyskland
France - Frankrig - Swe: Frankrike
Spain - Spanien
Italy - Italien
Switzerland - Schweiz
Netherlands/Holland – Holland
United States of America - Amerikas forenede stater/USA - Swe: Förenta staterna/USA
Mexico - Mexico
Brazil - Brazil - Swe: Brasilien
Argentina - Argentina
China - Kina
India - Indien
Japan - Japan
Korea - Korea
Belgium - Belgien
Turkey – Tyrkiet - Swe: Turkiet
rabidrabbit said:
Some curse words and insults,

English - Finnish

Damn! - Perkele!
Dumbass! - Ääliö!
Faggot! - Homo!
Slut! - Huora!
Prick! - Mulkku!
Cocksucker! - Munanlutkuttaja!
Asshole! - Persereikä!
Fat ass! - Läskiperse!
Bastard! - Paskiainen! (or Äpärä!, which is the literal translation)
Oh shit! - Voi paska!
F*uck! - V*ttu!
F*uck you! - Haista v*ttu!
Fanb*y! = Fanipoika!

(Ok, I'm not sure about that one, but I think that means sheephead, right? :))
Druga Runda said:
<Constantinople> - Carigrad (means the town of the king, probably still from Byzantian Empire times)

It's actually based on the Russian word for Constantinople - King of Cities, or "Tzargrad".

Here's some more:

English Native

Georgia = Sakahrtvelo
Armenia = Haiyastan
Hungary = Magyarorszag (IIRC)
Jordan = Urdoon
Basqueland (region) = Euskadi
DemoCoder said:
For westerners, I think it's kinda lame to have different city names. When traveling in Italy, for example, you've got to know Napoli = Naples, Firenze = Florence, etc. Italian words are perfectly memorable and easy to pronounce for any speaker of latin derived languages. Hell, latin pronunciations are even easier for Chinese (according to my wife)

I've always found Leghorn = Livorno to be the most amusing :)
rabidrabbit said:
Some curse words and insults,

English - Finnish

Damn! - Perkele!
Dumbass! - Ääliö!
Faggot! - Homo!
Slut! - Huora!
Prick! - Mulkku!
Cocksucker! - Munanlutkuttaja!
Asshole! - Persereikä!
Fat ass! - Läskiperse!
Bastard! - Paskiainen! (or Äpärä!, which is the literal translation)
Oh shit! - Voi paska!
F*uck! - V*ttu!
F*uck you! - Haista v*ttu!
Fanb*y! = Fanipoika!

LOL,GREAT!. Now I can visit Finland... :LOL:
English - German

Denmark - Dänemark
Croatia - Kroatien
Sweden - Schweden
England - England
Finland - Finnland
Norway - Norwegen
Iceland - Island
Russia - Russland
Greece - Griechenland
Germany - Deutschland
France - Frankreich
Spain - Spanien
Italy - Italien
Switzerland - Schweiz
Netherlands/Holland - Niederlande/Holland
United States of America - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika/USA
Mexico - Mexiko
Brazil - Brasilien
Argentina - Argentinien
China - China
India - Indien
Japan - Japan
Korea - Korea
Belgium - Belgien
Turkey - Türkei
Poland - Polen
Scotland - Schottland
Ireland - Irland

Some german cities also have english names:
Munich - München
Cologne - Köln
Nuremberg - Nürnberg
I should copy these into a file, may come handy later.
But I always wonder why so many languages exist, and they are so different, they change at every 50 kms.
Humus said:
rabidrabbit said:
Some curse words and insults,

English - Finnish

Damn! - Perkele!
Dumbass! - Ääliö!
Faggot! - Homo!
Slut! - Huora!
Prick! - Mulkku!
Cocksucker! - Munanlutkuttaja!
Asshole! - Persereikä!
Fat ass! - Läskiperse!
Bastard! - Paskiainen! (or Äpärä!, which is the literal translation)
Oh shit! - Voi paska!
F*uck! - V*ttu!
F*uck you! - Haista v*ttu!
Fanb*y! = Fanipoika!

(Ok, I'm not sure about that one, but I think that means sheephead, right? :))
Yes it does :LOL: but I have never heard it used as an insult, in fact I think if you called someone a "lampaanpää", he'd only feel confused as of what you mean by that :)

Where have you learned that :D
English - Français

Denmark - Danemark
Croatia - Croatie
Sweden - Suède
England - Angleterre
Finland - Finlande
Norway - Norvège
Iceland - Islande
Russia - Russie
Greece - Grêce
Germany - Allemagne
France - France
Spain - Espagne
Italy - Italie
Switzerland - Suisse
Netherlands/Holland - Pays-Bas/Hollande
United States of America - Etats Unis d'Amérique
Mexico - Mexique
Brazil - Brésil
Argentina - Argentine
China - Chine
India - Inde
Japan - Japon
Korea - Corée
Belgium - Belgique
Turkey - Turquie
Poland - Pologne
Scotland - Ecosse
Ireland - Irlande