Other names of Nations/Cities/Others

English - Dutch

Denmark - Denemarken
Croatia - Kroatië
Sweden - Zweden
England - Engeland
Finland - Finland
Norway - Noorwegen
Iceland - Ijsland
Russia - Rusland
Greece - Griekenland
Germany - Duitsland
France - Frankrijk
Spain - Spanje
Italy - Italië
Switzerland - Zwitserland
Netherlands/Holland – Nederland/Holland
United States of America - De Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Mexico - Mexico
Brazil - Brazillië
Argentina - Argentinië
China - China
India - Indië
Japan - Japan
Korea - Korea
Belgium - België
Turkey – Turkije
Czech Republic - Tsjechië

London - Londen
Paris - Parijs
Antwerp - Antwerpen (comes from 'hand werpen', which is 'hand throwing' in English :) I live near there!)
Berlin - Berlijn
Munich - Munchen
Marseille - Marseille
Bordeaux - Bordeaux
Calais - Calais

In Belgium we have three names for each city (Dutch, French, German), but depending on the language, you only use one version. Only in the area of Brussels we have both Dutch as French road signs and street names.
English - Japanese

Algeria - Arujeria
America - Amerika
Argentina - Aruzenchin
Australia - Oosutoraria
Brazil - Brajiru
Canada - Kanada
China - Chuugoku
Colombia - Koronbia
England - Igirisu
Finland - Finrando
France - Furansu
Germany - Doitsu
Greece - Girisha
Holland - Oranda
Hong Kong - Honkon
Hungary - Hangari
India - Indo
Indonesia - Indoneshia
Irland - Airurando
Italy - Itaria
Japan - Nihon
Korea - Kankoku
Malaysia - Mareeshia
Mexico - Mekishiko
New Zealand - Nyuujiirando
Norway - Noruwuh
Philippines - Firipin
Russia - Rosia
Singapore - Shingapooru
Spain - Supein
Sweden - Sueeden
Switzerland - Suisu
Taiwan - Taiwan
Thailand - Tai
Turkey - Toruko
Vietnam - Betonamu