What are you playing now? [2025]

Replaying Witcher 3. Havent played it since it was new. The world is amazing, and the quest design is great. Im doing random stuff at Skellige but Im starting to get a bit fatigued with it. The combat havent aged that well, and I played both expansions when they came out.

This game is mory cozey in the sence that its cosey to spend alot of time and live in that world, rather than giving you a adrenaline rush you need to take breaks from, like doom eternal or RE4.
I´ve played some games the last couple of years which I dont know if they have gotten the recognition I think they deserve, or games I had missed.

*It takes two. This game won a bunch of rewards but it flew under my radar when it was released. I played it with my gf a year or so ago and it was probably one of the best games I´ve played. Super creative level design, tight controls, great story telling and great meta humor. The
squirels vs wasps war
was hillarious.

*Guardians of the galaxy. I was quite underwelmed when they showed gameplay from this. It didnt look very fun, and it turns out the combat wasnt all that great. But the graphics, characters and story was among the best I´ve seen. I would put this as one of the best written and directed games ever. Serious subject, but still amazing and dark humor. I dont think I´ve ever laughed as much during a game .

*Psychonauts 2. I thought this would be like a poor mans ratchet and clank but it was amazing. Very creative levels like in it takes two. I loved the characters and the humor. One of those games I had a hard time to put down.
Playing Astrobot and Bayonetta (1). Both are fun but Bayonetta has the worst told story in a game ever (or at least as much as I can remember).

Ha I’m slowly pushing through Bayonetta and yeah the story is pretty inscrutable. I really want to finish it but I’m rarely motivated to pick up the controller. There’s always something else I rather be playing.
Replaying Witcher 3. Havent played it since it was new. The world is amazing, and the quest design is great. Im doing random stuff at Skellige but Im starting to get a bit fatigued with it. The combat havent aged that well, and I played both expansions when they came out.

This game is mory cozey in the sence that its cosey to spend alot of time and live in that world, rather than giving you a adrenaline rush you need to take breaks from, like doom eternal or RE4.
Ironic. You'll never guess what I've been replaying recently....


Just cleared out the attic space and found boxes of old games (PS1, PS2, PS3, OG Xbox, Wii, 360, Amiga, Speccy 48k,PSP, Vita, PC) and amongst them was a copy of Dungeon Siege on 2 CDs. Actually managed to get it to install. Oh the joys of of a game from 2002 that I used to be completely addicted to :D
Bought KCD2 due to all the raving and wanting to get into a deep long RPG adventure. About 7 hours in, done very little, have beggars clothes, a crappy sword and have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far.

Really top quality visuals and design, very immersive in many ways.