What are you playing now? [2025]

do you people set a goal to complete a game? I mean, in my case, I have so many games, a lot of them great games, and I am always end up playing one game, then another, without actually completing them, and it tires me out, it also creates anxiety.

So I created a "Games that I want to beat" collection on Steam, where I install the games I want to finish. The last game I installed there and completed yesterday is Bright Memory Infinite.

Next up, I still don't know.

If I drop a game it’s usually within the first hour or two. I finish the vast majority of games that I start but sometimes it takes years. Witcher 2 took forever. There are lots of games I want to play but I just tell myself there’s no rush and try to enjoy the game that I’m currently on. Think I’ve finished every game that I’ve put at least 2 hours into.

I mostly just try to avoid games with worse mechanics than other games I’ve already played in the same genre because that can be a big turn off. So I’ll play souls games or AC games in the order of release under the assumption that later entries are “better”.
Eternal Strands - absolutely having a blast with this. It's a bit ropey to start, and the grind is real when you are looking at upgrading your kit, but once you get passed the slightly too floaty combat (target lock would be useful) and the, almost, desperate need for your character to try and climb everything they come into contact with the game really shines. And I am absolutely digging the aesthetics, the renderiing makes it look like you're playing Arcane (the netflix series), that kind of Dishonored\Genshin\Wuthering Waves look and it really seems to fit he game style. Plus the writing is good, the voice acting is good, and the background story is engaging. I hope this is a big success for them and it's good to see Mike Laidlaw back in action after his departure from Bioware.
Clive Barker's Undying. Next up, Monster Hunter games that I purchased time ago 'cos people love the series and I've never played them to get to know those games. Civilization VI (same as Monster Hunter).
Started Calisto Protocol recently and surprised by how much I'm enjoying it based on the negative feedback many were giving the game. It has a very Doom 3 vibe which I love while the combat is reminiscent of Ryse which is another fairly unpopular game that I enjoyed. Graphically it's still gorgeous although I had to desaturate the colours a bit with NV Freestyle.

The only major issue I have is lack of DLSS. Native 3840x1600 is a bit too slow on my system forcing the use of FSR Quality - which is passable, but certainly leaves room for improvement. DLSS 4 performance mode would likely look and perform much better.
Finally got around to finishing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, didn't care for it much (also I'm convinced they reused one of the character models from binary domain)
I've been thinking of playing some MGS games on the PS3. Never played them before though. Do you have to have played the previous ones to get what's going on?

Personally I'm playing some PS1 emulator stuff at the moment. Got nostalgia for The Fifth Element movie, so I decided to play the game. It's... not great. But I'll see it through to the end.
Still having a blast with Stalker 2. Played through one of the endings, then went back to a save just before they all branch off, and continued exploring from there.
Now I'm just living the Stalker life, searching out anomalies for artifacts, hunting Monolith and bandits, and trying not to waste too much time and ammo on mutants.

Game has seen noticeable stability improvements since patch 1.1.4 (or maybe it's the 5090?).
Anyway if you were holding out for this to stabilize, come on in. Water's nice. Just mildly radioactive.

Almost finished with Space Marines 2
Good game, good graphics, simple game play.

As a first time player of the franchise find it to have non-existent back story, I mean cut scenes should be there to give exposition about what is happening.
Playing Silent hill 2 remake. The game is scary and atmospheric and really good.

But the first is still better in atmosphere. The first cut scene encounter with Pyramid Head is similar to the original but the changes they made lost some of the impact.

The acting and character responses of the original made more sense. Characters expressed genuine emotions and fear. Now there is more the element of curiosity.

For example in the original the PH approached James while he was hiding in the wardrobe. PH tried to peek and James started panicking and begun shooting maniackly. Now he just waits for PH to approach, slowly raises his gun and slowly shoots a few times on PH's helmet. Then PH does the animation to peek. It is a very weird choice.

James barely expressed any sense of fear so far to where I progressed
I'm slowly pulling myself out of my favorite black hole game - Lord of the Rings Online.

I started again in May 2024 with 3 friends. One dropped out at 30th level in July. Another left in September after gaining about 150 levels spread across 5 toons. The last friend hasn't played since December 29th.

It's just me now.

I'm still enjoying the game, but at a much more relaxed pace, slowly working my main toon to end game.

Last week I installed Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones and Ara: History Untold. I'm going to start working those into my gaming rotation.
Finished Eternal Strands - just mopping up codex entries. I really hope this got enough traction to allow them to make more games, either in the same Universe or something new.

And now I have started Kingdom Come 2 - it's really good but demmands your attention and time in a way that other RPGs don't so I am not sure I will have the time to devote to it :(
As mentioned in other threads, it turns out that Avowed was the game that finally pulled me from my PC Lotro box back onto my Xbox after a 10 month hiatus.

I'm absolutely loving the game. Gorgeous, fun combat, amazing exploration and nice character choices.
Just finished Avowed - lots of fun to be had but, for some reason, it still feels like a step backwards from The Outer Worlds, and the final stretch was a bit of a slog.Overall it's good but I think Obsidian could, and have, done better with gameplay mechanics than this. Visually it's pretty spectacular in places, too much so sometimes. The amount of effects on screen coupled with my oled shaved a few years off my eyesight for sure! The soundscape is good as well, fits the environment and likewise the story and dialogue. No pontificating about irrelevant, to the game, issues here.

Now I'm going back to a re-run through Hogwarts Legacy and HZD.
Cohh released a video that starts with Avowed expectations, and I think I agree with about 95% of what he says.

It is of course all a matter of personal tastes and personal preferences. I have literally over a thousand hours in both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3, and I don't think anyone is ever going to say those are the greatest games of their time. But I do enjoy playing them, and still go back from time to time to do a full playthrough. For me, Avowed did a lot of really good things, but it also felt almost incomplete, like they worked really hard on some aspects and then just went "aw, to heck with it" when it came to others.

For example, I don't expect NPCs to have virtual lives where they have day and night routines and work and leisure behavior, but even 2012's Borderlands 2 had NPCs that moved around, made random comments and comments directed to or about you, and pretended to be doing things to make the world seem more alive and real. And that's a mindless 13 year old FPS looter shooter, not even trying to be an RPG. In Avowed my thinking on the NPCs was that if they were going to make everyone static, lifeless cardboard cutouts that only exist to take up space on a map, they should have made them all T-posing so it would show the effort they put in to building an immersive world to play in.

And yet I think they did an excellent job on the graphics and much of the actual quest writing. It just feels like it would have been a stellar, GOTY quality game if they had just spent another year working on making the world more immersive for the player.
Playing Astrobot and Bayonetta (1). Both are fun but Bayonetta has the worst told story in a game ever (or at least as much as I can remember).