AMD RDNA4 Architecture Speculation

So about 7900XT level?
How on earth do you translate 1080p/High/Unknown RT/Unknown scaling/framegen 211 FPS to a table with 1080p/Medium/No RT/No scaling/framegen where fastest card gets 160 FPS and 7900 XT 108-116 FPS?
How on earth do you translate 1080p/High/Unknown RT/Unknown scaling/framegen 211 FPS to a table with 1080p/Medium/No RT/No scaling/framegen where fastest card gets 160 FPS and 7900 XT 108-116 FPS?
Easily. You divide 211 by 2 and look at the results of cards available.
From the screenshot it's indeed with frame generation enabled (the yellow words under the FPS number indicated so).
The quality is the highest setting. If you change upscaling settings it would change the settings to custom so I guess it's not changed, though I don't know what's the default setting with AMD GPU (on NVIDIA GPU it's defaulted to DLSS Quality, so it's probably something similar).
Changing RT does not change the settings to custom so it's unknown if RT is enabled, but since it's disabled by default I guess it's probably disabled.
FSR frame gen is quite a bit faster than DLSS frame gen on this benchmark, but of course it can't 2X the frame rate. Some tests seem to indicate 60% ~ 70% more FPS as reasonable estimates.
Also since it's 1920x1080 it's more likely to be CPU limited, so indeed it can be difficult to see how well it compares to other GPU.
Even though popular opinion is that AMD needs to offer significantly better perf/$ I don’t know if it actually works in this case. The last time it worked (RV770) AMD had a pretty massive advantage in area efficiency. There’s also the question of whether Nvidia will lower prices in response. It’s a bit of a prisoners dilemma.

Ironically I think AMD’s best chance to gain market share and make money is to up their marketing game. They need to get people excited and proud to own Radeon again so they don’t need a 30% discount before even considering the option. Shipping good hardware is the first step of course but they really need to start talking about what they’re doing to push tech forward. That’s where they’re getting absolutely murdered right now on the marketing front.

This assumes of course that AMD actually wants to sell consumer GPUs.