Spider-Man 2 [PS5, PC]

I don't even remember who Cindy is ^^
When Miles' mother opened the door, there was a Korean dude there called Albert. He introduced his daughter Cindy, which likely means this is Albert and Cindy Moon. Cindy Moon was bitten by the same radioactive spider as Peter Parker in her universe. She goes by the name of Silk.

I was laying on the sarcamism pretty thick, so I dont think you missed that =) But you genuinely enjoyed that sidemission? You didnt find the gameplay tedious or the writing cringy and condescending?
No. It was a few minutes long and made me think about what it might be like to be deaf. There are very few games that give you the opportunity to experience what it's like to be less abled, and this has to be one of most effective implementations.
I really enjoyed the
"monster in queens"

Fun and cool looking gameplay sequence. And the whole premise and ending is funny because its so ridiculous. Doesn´t take itself too serious.
Yikes, wonder if those RT reflections are active during normal gameplay.

My natural assumption would be that this is a deferred game and rays are spawned from the g-buffer once that is already ready, so there is no overdraw (after the first rasterization pass, of course).

Thats how most games do it anyway, for RT as well as SSReflections. In that case, the amount of reflecting objects is irrelevant to to the cost of RT. It will shoot a certain amount of rays for every 2 or 4 screen pixels irrespectively of what objects are present on the scene. If you cant see the camera lens on-screen, it will shoot no rays. If you see just a couple pixels of the lens, it will shoot one. It scales perfectly.

It is not just possible but quite common in this or any free camera game to cover the entire screen with a fully reflective surface, so the engine and content HAS to be balanced for that worst case anyway.

The only thing that throws a wrench in my assumption is the fact that according to DF analysis some objects do indeed have very different looking reflections in performance mode. If they are selectively not shooting rays for those there, or if its the Shading of RT hitpoints that was simplified, I can't tell. But that goes against what is and has been standard practice in 99% of real time renderers for the past decade.
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Done, I finished all the activities, i quite liked the first two games, but this one was really really good, nice job Insomniac
It felt that blended the goods points of the earlier games into something close to perfect gameplay-wise. The set pieces, and there are many of them, were spectacular.
What with publishers releasing games with the same name as previous games? We had Prey then Lords of the Fallen and now Spiderman 2 I have Spiderman 2 it was developed by Beenox years ago.
What with publishers releasing games with the same name as previous games? We had Prey then Lords of the Fallen and now Spiderman 2 I have Spiderman 2 it was developed by Beenox years ago.
Finished this last week. In many ways its amazing, but in others, especially the writing, its really awful.

Soon after Venom shows up, things really starts going down hill. I liked the part where you get to play as Venom. Breaking out from the lab had a superhero/monster movie vibe which I liked. Soon after that Venom starts infecting people, turning them into venom space zombies, and these large symboite black goe tentacle towers starts appearing in the city with symboit nests. Not like we havent seen space zombies and infestations of alien organic matter in like every other game before.. It went from being a superhero game to any other generic game.

I havent read the comics in a long time, but as I rembember, Venom was never a planet wide threat with semi-god like powers?

Later he also turns MJ into a space zombie called Scream which Peter has to fight. Peter has to break through the symbiotes grip of MJ and reach her true self. And OMG, the dialoge in that bossfight was the worst Ive ever heard.

"You are just as important as me, MJ! Your book helped alot of people, it helped me! You are stronger than me in so many ways! You are the one who keeping our lives together; our house, your job! I´m sorry I havent taken your needs into enough consideration!"
Almost seem like the writers are ventilating their frustrations in their own lives here. It also breaks the characters. Up to that point MJ had seemed like a strong, competent character, and nothing says strong character like a strong need for validation, right? I cant wait for the next insomniac developted Avangers game where Thor has to break an alien hiveminds grip over Hawkeye: "Thats not true Hawkeye, you are just as strong as me! You are as importent to the group as me, the GOD OF THUNDER! I´m sorry I havent taken you needs into account more!" If that doesnt teach us that Hawkeye, despite being having much weaker powers than the other avangers, is strong character I dont know what will.

Isnt the tragedy of Spiderman that he has had to make big sacrificies in his personal life because with his powers "comes great responsibility"? In this game MJ is apparently oblivous to that or she doesnt care, and comes across as a narcisitic sociopat. "I know your best friend is dying, I know you have to save innocent lives, but what about ME?!"

After the bossfight Peter gets scolded by Miles mom because he hasnt answered her calls. Being mindcontrolled by an alien life form isnt good enough of an excuse apperently, so it was a good thing he apologized. Now after apologizing to both MJ and Miles mom he will learn not to be so selfish.

I liked the fight between Kraven and Venom in times square, and it had the right about of epicness to be a final bossfight in a spiderman game, and we got to see two classic spiderman characters. The final bossfight is just ridicolous. Venom creating an arena out of a football stadium, growing wings and stupid things like that. It just looks ridicolous. Sometimes less is more. Someone pointed out some weird dececions: spiderman has this ugly anti venom suit so he can fight venom, and harry is his best friend, but its miles doing the final bosstage. It would make more sense if spiderman did the final boss because the emotional stakes are higher and he has that new suit.

The game looks stellar, new york has never looked this good in a game before. The combat is really fun, the set pieces in the story are awesome, but at the same time the writing is painfully bad (like mentioned above). Basically all the jokes are painful to hear. I remember laughing like one time when parker made some joke about bears and honey. Some of the art direction is quite uglu imo:
the heroine who helps spiderman fight that fire cult is just bland looking; the inverted white and black anti-venom-suit, and the suit miles shows up in in the end.

There seem to be an insaine amount of talent at insomniac, but it seems like their games really suffer because of awful writing and the wrong people making the big decisions.
I havent read the comics in a long time, but as I rembember, Venom was never a planet wide threat with semi-god like powers?

There have been a variety in comics on what drives Venom, but a fairly common theme is that the symbiote's motives are influenced by the host. In SM2, Harry's aim was to "heal the world", a drive that existed before Venom, and when Harry was sick the symbiote counteracted the sickness and made Harry strong again. So the fusion of the two wanting to making everybody into itself makes some sense.

That's my take anyway. I would add that what Insomniac did with the city, making is so different depending on story events, was really good. It felt like the players and events, had meaning.
killing time in NYC now that there isn't much else to do.


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There have been a variety in comics on what drives Venom, but a fairly common theme is that the symbiote's motives are influenced by the host. In SM2, Harry's aim was to "heal the world", a drive that existed before Venom, and when Harry was sick the symbiote counteracted the sickness and made Harry strong again. So the fusion of the two wanting to making everybody into itself makes some sense.

That's my take anyway. I would add that what Insomniac did with the city, making is so different depending on story events, was really good. It felt like the players and events, had meaning.

There have been a variety in comics on what drives Venom, but a fairly common theme is that the symbiote's motives are influenced by the host. In SM2, Harry's aim was to "heal the world", a drive that existed before Venom, and when Harry was sick the symbiote counteracted the sickness and made Harry strong again. So the fusion of the two wanting to making everybody into itself makes some sense.

That's my take anyway. I would add that what Insomniac did with the city, making is so different depending on story events, was really good. It felt like the players and events, had meaning.

In a way it makes sense.
For me its more that stuff like that has been done in so many games before. A world ending threat, organic alien infestations, space zombies. I didnt like that they did Venom so different from what I remember from the comics. I enjoyed the parts where it flet more like a spiderman game/comic; fighting Kraven, or the Venom vs Kraven fight. Regarding the city Arkham Night did something similar, the first spiderman too, so for me it felt like "oh, this again". A personal preference but spending time in NY didnt seem as cosy with those out of place dark space tentacles ruining the skyline.
Have anyone watched the Angry Joey review? I agree with his take mostly.

So they changed the spanish language, making ut gender neutral :eek: Jesus Christ, the hubris of these people. The sketch Joey and co did about that was hillarious.
And they actually put the wrong flag in Miles apartment. You cant make this stuff up.