Windows is a horrible experience on anything but a KB+M and dealing with driver updates, the Xbox Store breaking all the time, and game configuration is not fun.
I'm pretty sure most PC gamers consider the game configuration aspect a positive rather than a negative. I'd say if you don't care for it then just leave everything at the installation defaults which on a reasonable system will be fine most of the time. But for me personally, the tweaking and testing of settings and performance is at least as much fun as the gaming itself.
As for Xbox Store, yeah I think we can all agree it's best just avoided if possible!
I do still maintain that you can have a good console like couch experience on PC once the initial setup has been done. i.e. as per your video, trying to get things installed, configured and setup for that couch experience without a keyboard and mouse would be a total non-starter. And even after setup, it's not like you'd never need them again.... but if properly setup (which granted takes a level of PC know-how in the first place) then for normal day to day gaming it can be largely pick up and play with a control pad. If you want to delve into the more advanced aspects of PC gaming from there, e.g. modding, emulation, overclocking etc... , or any non-gaming functions then yes of course you're going to need a proper desk setup.