Elden Ring [2022-21-01] [PS, XB, PC]

That’s wild. She must enjoy pain and suffering. 400 deaths to one boss, yikes. 270 hours isn’t that bad though.
That’s wild. She must enjoy pain and suffering. 400 deaths to one boss, yikes. 270 hours isn’t that bad though.
And best of all is the pose of tranquility she has while playing, anyone would be on edge but she is there putting up with it so casually. 😵
the other day I heard a doctor saying that our heart has a limited number of heartbeats that it can beat. It's a LOT of them, but yeah, our heart has a expiry date. I think this girl is going to live many many years, with all the calmness she has her heart has to beat slow.
Actually, having gone back to the game earlier this month, I'm "only" on NG4 and I still steamroll pretty much anything that comes at me with a Blood build, apart from some specific enemies - not bosses, those are easy for some reason.
I started Elden Ring recently. It’s my first FromSoft game, and first Soulsbourne-like. I’ve no idea what I’m doing, but I’m slowly but surely figuring it out and making progress each time I sit down for a session.

There’s something about it that makes me think about it when I’m not playing it, even though some game mechanics and UI are not very discoverable, and the game doesn’t hold your hand much.

So I’m really enjoying it despite not really knowing what I’m doing outside of the very basics. The world is pretty spectacular and just wandering around is enjoyable.
Never mind playing Elden Ring, 12 bloody years we've been waiting for your write up on the PMX590. Seriously who do you think you are - Chris Roberts
I have major soulslike fomo but it’s equally daunting given all the hype about the difficulty and time investment needed.
Never mind playing Elden Ring, 12 bloody years we've been waiting for your write up on the PMX590. Seriously who do you think you are - Chris Roberts
I’d need to go back and work there again to do that and third time is definitely not the charm. Sorry chum, please drop it off your expected articles list and accept my deepest apologies for the decade plus letdown.
I have major soulslike fomo but it’s equally daunting given all the hype about the difficulty and time investment needed.
I still haven't played the main game yet, but the way people talk about how long and meaty the base game is along with how spammy and difficult the DLC bosses are makes me think I might actually skip the DLC.

And it's not necessarily the 'difficulty', it's more just how BS they sound. Not fun difficulty, just frustrating difficulty, being able to die super easily but rarely having opportunity to actually get in strikes yourself. Ultra spammy bosses, like they're all late stage Orphan of Kos, but cranked up even further as standard.

Seems perhaps a bit like Doom Eternal's DLC - the base game already takes things so far that the DLC had little elsewhere to go except to push things into ultra hardcore territory.

But then I hear the new areas are really great and fun to explore, which is my favorite part of Souls games....so maybe I will actually deal with it....
Gave game another shot 2 years after my first attempt with Samurai build. This time use Shield build guide and Im already futher in game (just beat Godrick). Game can be strongly addictive.
Gave game another shot 2 years after my first attempt with Samurai build. This time use Shield build guide and Im already futher in game (just beat Godrick). Game can be strongly addictive.
Sometimes a game just needs to be approached in a different way, or at a different time and things can click. When it does it's such a great feeling. Elden Ring is a very challenging game, but it also gives you more tools and methods to approach it than any other game in the "Souls-like" genre.

Good on you for giving it another shot.
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I still haven't played the main game yet, but the way people talk about how long and meaty the base game is along with how spammy and difficult the DLC bosses are makes me think I might actually skip the DLC.

And it's not necessarily the 'difficulty', it's more just how BS they sound. Not fun difficulty, just frustrating difficulty, being able to die super easily but rarely having opportunity to actually get in strikes yourself. Ultra spammy bosses, like they're all late stage Orphan of Kos, but cranked up even further as standard.

Seems perhaps a bit like Doom Eternal's DLC - the base game already takes things so far that the DLC had little elsewhere to go except to push things into ultra hardcore territory.

But then I hear the new areas are really great and fun to explore, which is my favorite part of Souls games....so maybe I will actually deal with it....
The DLC area is incredibly good IMO. As far as Elden Ring goes it's some of the best. Very beautiful themes and designs/architecture and great level design.

Bosses are extremely hard if the build you're going into the DLC with isn't relatively well thought out. Bosses can and will destroy you. They are quite relentless with long strings, and many can and will kill you in 1 or 2 hits.. but just like any other bosses, you learn the patterns and it becomes less intimidating.

Play it though. Both the main game and the DLC is some of the best gaming experience I've had in the past decade.
The DLC area is incredibly good IMO. As far as Elden Ring goes it's some of the best. Very beautiful themes and designs/architecture and great level design.

Bosses are extremely hard if the build you're going into the DLC with isn't relatively well thought out. Bosses can and will destroy you. They are quite relentless with long strings, and many can and will kill you in 1 or 2 hits.. but just like any other bosses, you learn the patterns and it becomes less intimidating.

Play it though. Both the main game and the DLC is some of the best gaming experience I've had in the past decade.
I will definitely get around to it.

But I'm also used to playing glass cannon builds in Souls games and this doesn't seem viable in Elden Ring's DLC, so it's good to know ahead of time not to do that, but it's also kind of a bummer that I cant play/build like I want.

I think the main thing I hate about Souls bosses that kill you so quickly is that it is very time consuming to actually learn the patterns. Because you can only learn very little each run before you die. The ability to even tank one extra hit before dying can literally double your learning time, which helps you survive longer in the next run to learn more, and so on. So if you just keep dying super quickly, it takes forever to actually learn boss moves, especially when there's like 15+ unique moves/combos and they're all super fast, relentless, and unpredictable.

Also, for me, the main areas and exploration has always been the biggest draw for me in Souls games. Not the boss fights. I love the trepidation and risk/reward factor of pushing on or going back to bank souls. Every corner feels like some new threat and it's an almost horror game-like feeling as a result.

And I know Elden Ring does really well in this exploration regard, so I'm absolutely gonna play it(when I can get it cheaper), but I'm not looking forward to some of the BS bosses.
@Seanspeed you could use a trainer either to outright cheat or as a tool to learn the bosses
Sure that's an option, but I do enjoy tackling the challenge properly in these games. But I think I just need to change approach. DS1/DS2 were all very doable with glass cannon builds, and Bloodborne to a degree as well. DS3 made this a fair bit more difficult, and from what it sounds like, Elden Ring is probably just gonna require me to at least put a bit more emphasis on health upgrades or else the game is simply gonna take me like 500 hours. lol Which is fine. Means I have to level a bit higher than I might normally so I can get some extra health. I'm not repulsed by the idea of grinding a bit by any means. I grew up on JRPG's after all. And I've also never been afraid to just straight up turn back before I find the next bonfire to bank some souls.