BAFTA: Thousands of players vote and they crown the most iconic video game character of all time, which is....



Very surprised. How is Sackboy ahead of Link? Lol.
Age and player base. While the wii and wii u were popular they had some of the worse zelda games made. So I reckon depending on where they pulled from they likely had an age group that came of age playing little big planet games and not zelda games.

The poll would be more interesting if it broke into age groups. Q-bert for life bro !
Sure but Sackboy isn’t “iconic” in any way. Lots of suspect entries on that list and zero fighting game characters - Ryu, Chun Li, Bison, Scorpion, Jin etc.

Sackboy was in the biggest childrens title on the ps3 and ps4 and vita (maybe psp also? ) so it could be very popular if the people voting were young and had the ps3 as their first or second console and grew up playing it.

Street fighter 2 characters are likely more popular with people who were born in the 80s and 90s because in the 2000s fighting games were basicly dead and only had a small resurgence in the 2010s.

If you look it makes sense. Mario and Sonic never really had drop offs with younger kids. Sure you can argue that sonic after the dreamcast went downhill but kids still loved playing it and they had major motion pictures . Mario never went anywhere and had a steady flow of games through out its 40 year existance.
I don't anyone is questioning Mario, other than he is likely too low, you can even argue the top 5 could all be Mario franchise characters and the list saturated with Nintendo.

But the list itself does have some credibility concerns when you have 2 BG3 characters on there (not even sure how recency bias can explain this) among other glaring issues.
Depends what people take 'iconic' to mean. Sackboy is definitely famous and very well defined, immediately identifiable. Very strong iconography with him. Many millions dressed him/her up and that's very impressionable. I'm more surprised by Agent 47. I think if you ask the everyman if they recognise these characters, Sackboy would be far more recognised than others. But of course Lara, Mario and Sonic will be tops as they have movies and a wider franchising.
OK I love everything about BG3. Shadowheart and Astarion are *superb* characters. But iconic? Hells to the no. To me "iconic" means the characters transcend the boundaries of their own games, even genres, and become mascots of gaming in general. Shadowheart and Astarion have not yet earned that rank IMO.