Movie Reviews 2.0

I also don't get why everyone is so blown away by the visuals. Maybe some painfully slow deep space docking maneuvers would have been a sight to behold in a pre-Gravity era of cinema, but I'm not really sure about that either. Cool robots, though.

Hard to describe really. I put it down to Christopher Nolans sense of how he directs his movies. There wasn't that much action in the movie, but the way it was filmed, it really managed to create the tension other movies just fail to pull off. That scene with the spinning station was out of this world IMO and completely blew me away. The visuals as such, as well as the sound/music were a standout feature for me. I left the cinema feeling as if I was part and witnessed something of epic proportions. To be honest, I can't remember feeling that way after watching a movie for a long time, if ever.

I can appreciate the fact though that this movie isn't for anyone, even science fiction fans.
I think that the way Nolan is able to build and sustain a 3 hour movie with more tension and 'science fiction-ness' than most other CGI-heavy movies, is commendable.
I think Nolan is actually a pretty bad action director. He's good at conveying a sense of scale, though. His movies feel appropriately big.
Would have loved to see the Spielberg take on Interstellar myself. Or maybe a take by Danny Boyle. I loved Sunshine. I thought that movie succeeded at all the things Interstellar faltered. Like believable character dynamics, visual specacle and - above all else - pacing. I felt every minute of Interstellar's running time.
Sunshine was great right up until Freddy Krueger attacked. A flawed but still fantastic movie.
What's up with the "lightsaber" ?

The hilt has a cross guard, like an actual sword would. Pretty awesome.

Btw, I am losing my shit right now. That's a perfect teaser. Not only does everything look right, it sounds right. The sound and music are so fucking good. This is like giving me a taste of heroin and holding out for more. Bastards.
My biggest problem with Interstellar was its version of the bootstrap paradox that the entire premise revolves around - but then again the vast majority of movies featuring time travel (to the past) feature variants of the paradox (eg. Terminator series, Donnie Darko, Looper etc.).

I also thought it was way too corny and so the emotional connection that it really needed to make work fell somewhat flat.
Speaking of time travel paradoxes, the movie Predestination comes to mind. It's a well directed and told movie with good acting and writing. However the basic premise is just so over the top. I figured it out extremely early on, but it was still good to see how the story played out.

They did have a unique take one time-travel, that had no real impact on the story at all, is one could only jump plus or minus 53 years from when time travel was invented; anything further would cause extreme fluctuations in the timelines.
The hilt has a cross guard, like an actual sword would. Pretty awesome.

Btw, I am losing my shit right now. That's a perfect teaser. Not only does everything look right, it sounds right. The sound and music are so fucking good. This is like giving me a taste of heroin and holding out for more. Bastards.

Well, the Grossguard Lightsaber is actually a thing in the Star Wars Universe.

I agree, it sure looked the part.
I agree, it sure looked the part.
It had a slight taste of washed-out CGI to it, IMO. Might have been the JJ lensflares that glared in my eyes, I'm not sure. :p

It does look good however, I agree... December 2015, though! DAMN.
Might have been the crappy youtube compression as well, but let's just blame JJ instead, right? ;)
The first scene with the black stormtrooper suddenly popping in to the picture gave me some Spaceballs wibes, but after that it looked fine.

what worries me is that the jedi fights with real actors will never look as good as CGI fights cutscenes seen in recent games like old repulic.
what worries me is that the jedi fights with real actors will never look as good as CGI fights cutscenes seen in recent games like old repulic.

No way. I hope they go back to a more medieval fencing, brute style than the hyperactive style of the prequel and other more recent material. I'm hoping the jedi shit is kept to a minimum, like the original trilogy as well.