Star Trek: Legacy

They have a official forum for their Trek license games as well. Lots of trekkies frothing in there. But, honestly I don't think the games look like they'll amount to much. I'm surprised that companies bother with the license at all, considering the flops of nearly every trek game in history. A shame too cuz I am a big trek fan myself but have seen so many great Trek game attempts turn out horribly over the years and even the good ones usually don't sell. Horrid Bridge Commander flop comes to mind. What bothers me is that I think Bridge Commander had graphics quite similar to Bethesda's (Mad Doc's actually) flagship Trek game (Legacy).

BTW, they decided to ignore the Dominion in Legacy. What a "legacy", lol. They went with the stereotypical, "known to be popular", done-to-death Borg and gang instead.
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I definitely wouldn't mind giving the Defiant a go, though I think Enterprise-E would take it. :)

There have been some decent trek games but you have to go back a bit...

Star Trek Simulator something for the 2600. (I liked it as a kid)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary for PC from the early 90s (best all round game to date)
Star Trek for the Amiga by Tobias Richter (homebrew game that was interesting)
Star Trek Elite Force for PC. (a good fps by Raven)
Star Trek Kobyashi Maru (bad spelling but fun text advanture game for the c64)

Then again I like Klingon Honor Guard on the unreal1 engine so Im a bad judge. :)
My first Trek game was Star Trek V on my Tandy 1000. The game was crap, but I liked it as a 9 yr old! Neat simulator in it. Paramount wouldn't let them blow up the ship in the game so instead the space battle was inside a ship simulator. lol

I liked KHG too. It wasn't a terrible game, and if you like Trek it was certainly passable. Cool atmosphere.

Elite Force was ok but had two probs. 1) It was based on Voyager. 2) It felt like something of a parody to me. It just felt kinda not serious somehow. The ridiculous weapons that you got later on didn't help.

I got 25th Anniversary before I could even run it. I thought the old Tandy would run it (286 8MHz) but something was incompatible. Had to wait until I got my 486 PC, but it was definitely a fun game. I also enjoyed A Final Unity. That game has some good old-school CGI.

My fave Trek "FPS" is the 3rd person DS9: The Fallen. That game nailed DS9's dark atmosphere pretty well and had good production values.

StarFleet Academy was a big disappointment, except for the goofy FMV. Klingon Academy was a lot better but it was pretty buggy and I've never been able to finish it.
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Well, then how come they have Avery Brooks voicing and have the Defiant in the game? :) Legacy as in "legacy of Trek". And, don't forget about everyone's fav (Voyager).

pft... I do not know you are typing. :) Sorry, I had a brain-fart... It's been awhile since there have been new released material. :p The 5 captains thing brings back me memory a bit. So here's my take on why they ignore the dominion...simple as it is:

Well, the overall story is meant to be continuous in some manner from what I can tell. And due to Enterprise (series), they've got the Borg in that time era. And the only Borg scene with the Defiant is in the 8th movie. From the series and movies, they've got the Borg in every time era; having the Dominion there would shift focus away from that concept I think. And it's really its own story; I'd be very disappointed in just a side story with the Dominion. I'd rather they have a game devoted to that entirely. I'd certainly like to know what Sisko is up to in the wormhole.
Hmm good point. The Borg were seen in every series except the original and TOS movies.
right :oops: , but you get the idea. :p

I thought I read somewhere that they recruited some of the fans who did models for total conversions of previous games (the really good ones). They've certainly got a good amount of curvature to the saucers.

Should be a fun game if it's like a 3rd person type of game, but in 3D space. I'm all up for simulators, but ever since those space battles during the Dominion War... man, I just wanna have it easy. :p
Any reviews yet? It's due for release in America today, and it's usually a red flag if there's no full reviews out there by release day. I'm a little wary as I understand the title was originally due out in October, but was running late, so rumours are they cut stuff to make Christmas.
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Well, Legacy's little game friends (Tactical Assault and the other one) got killed by reviewers. So I dunno!
Though I've hardly played many of the games, 25th Anniversary is the only one I can think of that was ever any good...
Well, Legacy's little game friends (Tactical Assault and the other one) got killed by reviewers. So I dunno!

There's a lot of unhappy people on their forums. Bethseda has done a very bad job of managing the expectations of their fans. Those in Europe are particularly unhappy at what appears to be a release date pushed back to 22nd December, so it's unlikely to get shipped to you for Christmas.

Also looks like 8 player multiplayer, the battle recorder, and the ship upgrade system were cut. The latter was talked up a lot in previews and interviews as being the developers' favourite feature, so that's probably not so great.
er.....wth... I was looking forward to this :(

Well it's looking very likely that some people will have the PC version in their hands tomorrow as it gradually arrives in retail across the US, so there should be some first impressions arriving over the next week before the Xbox360 version gets shipped.
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oh they're not being released on the same day? Well, I was actually thinking of getting the PC version. Later down the road when I get a 360 I'd maybe consider getting it for that then to play on the bigger screen. :p
oh they're not being released on the same day? Well, I was actually thinking of getting the PC version. Later down the road when I get a 360 I'd maybe consider getting it for that then to play on the bigger screen. :p

Apparently not, and the Euro/UK releases are different and over the next few weeks. It's the cause of a lot of gnashing and wailing on their forums as the Bethseda PR manager seems to not be able to bring himself to actually tell the fans champing at the bit what is going on. There's ructions happening, as after the October release was missed, features cut, and people not getting it in time for Christmas (especially in Europe), fans are threatening to cancel their pre-orders in dusgust.

And of course it has not gone unnoticed that there are a lot of gushing previews out there, and (ominously) not a single full review of the finished product.
well, I haven't quite been following what was cut, but the loss of upgrading doesn't seem to be earth-shattering to me. Is the MP just cut down from 8 or did they cut the online entirely?

I just wanna blow up some ships in style (and with graphics to the max) 8)