Your Top 5 Picks for Xbox 360

marvel ultimate alliance (its actually a lot of fun and long on marvel info)

Geo wars
cloning clyde
outpost kaloki x
small arms

i havent played sonic or cod3 yet but i own em...

I have 26 games for x360 in a year... thats fantastic... and 20 of them were definitely worth buying...

I can't believe it took this many post before someone mentioned GRAW! GRAW is a must own IMO.
Gears (Sp & co-op)
Dead Rising (more so for the novelty of taking a sludge hammer to a person's head...amongst other ways of killing people).
PDZ (Co-op)

Haven't played Oblivion though.


Geo Wars Evolved
Bejeweled 2
Hexic HD

(Where's Duke Nukem 3D :devilish: )
I own four games for the 360, and have to say, Viva Pinata and GoW are the best games I've played in years. I would go as far to say that Viva Pinata is my game of the year.

Try it and you'll love it. Promise.

Oh, nearly forgot... Uno. Get Uno :)
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Graham made an excellent suggestion.

I recommend one of these (no demo available):

Gears, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and CoD3.

Now, if you're just want to play full version without trying out the demos:

Gears - awesome graphic, co-op, can get a little intense so get a medical checkup first :p
GR:AW - something about this game that is just right...neither too fast or too slow
CoD3 - good single player experience, no co-op :(
Marvel - great replay, awesome for co-op
Condemmed - too bad this game was overlooked by many...

Games I haven't played but I'm looking forward to:

Lost Planet - Played the demo, so far it's excellent
Viva Pinata -
R6: Las Vegas - tried out the demo and was impressed, so got the game, but haven't had the time to play it.