Your Top 5 Picks for Xbox 360

What if it were only one game? :oops: Or a combination of games that game to say $60?

*I might be picking up a new monitor to go along with the purchase of the Xbox 360. It'll be on my desk and this CRT, while beautiful, just takes up so much space and will not go with the 360.
What if it were only one game? :oops: Or a combination of games that game to say $60?

*I might be picking up a new monitor to go along with the purchase of the Xbox 360. It'll be on my desk and this CRT, while beautiful, just takes up so much space and will not go with the 360.

It would have to be Oblivion, or Gears. But gears won't last you toooo long...

Viva Pinata is great too, that's a game you can easily pour 50+ hours into...
It would have to be Oblivion, or Gears. But gears won't last you toooo long...

Viva Pinata is great too, that's a game you can easily pour 50+ hours into...

Have you put much into the MP of Gears? I'll probably rent most SP centric games unless they also have very compelling MP.

BTW, Oblivion wasn't that great and I've already beat it on PC. Sorry, that's just my opinion of the game.
So far I'm looking at:

COD3 (want to play this with a cousin, so therefore I'll not be picking up the PC version)
Dead Rising

I've always planned on picking up Xbox Live, and that's part of the big reason I'm going to be picking up a Xbox 360. Live has always had a nice attraction to me, plus a lot of the services it offers all in one place is doubly nice.

I second this list. If you already have Oblivion on PC then I would definitely recommend these titles. Keep an eye out for Lost Planet in January as well.
Have you put much into the MP of Gears? I'll probably rent most SP centric games unless they also have very compelling MP.

BTW, Oblivion wasn't that great and I've already beat it on PC. Sorry, that's just my opinion of the game.

Gears is fantastic online and really great as a co-op game over Live as well. I think there's longevity with Gears as long as you play on Hardcore/Insane or get into the multiplayer stuff.
Must-haves for me, with my preferred playing mode, in order:

GoW (Co-op, MP, SP)
R6-LV (Co-op, MP, SP)
GRAW (MP, SP, Co-op)

Honorable mentions:

Dead Rising
Call of Duty 2 (haven't played CoD3)
LEGO Star Wars
Or alternatively you could pick up a couple of the cream of the launch titles such as PGR3 or COD2 or Kameo, then you have some choice of what to play if you don't fancy one game, you have another.
I'm very open minded, I play nearly everything, about the only games I tend to dislike is Final Fantasy style RPGs (JRPGs or whatever they go by I guess).

*Yes I've already played Oblivion on my PC, I have a fairly decent PC (Core 2 Duo, Geforce 6800GS, so on) that I figure really doesn't desperately need an upgrade this Xmas, so I want to grab an Xbox 360 as I see it as a longer investment that even if doesn't get a ton of play from me will be a great hand me down to a family member with kids.
  • Get Gears of War. There's just no argument against it.
  • Since you mention your kids, I'd say Viva Pinata is for you, it seems to be very good and fun for both, adults and kids. Maybe even something the wife might play.
  • GR:AW is definitely worth it. Or if it suites your tastes more, R6: Vegas also looks hot.
  • If you like sports, NBA 2k7 is probably the best next-gen sports game to date.
  • You can probably pick up some of the launch titles cheap, either used or as classics, so I'd say pick two games out of the following: Kameo / PGR 3 / PDZ / COD2, instead of only one full price game.
  • Get some XBL Arcade games, like Geometry Wars, Cloning Clyde or whatever suits your tastes. Loads of fun stuff there, check the free demos.
  • Get a second controller and the play & charge kit.
  • Get Gears of War. There's just no argument against it.
  • Since you mention your kids, I'd say Viva Pinata is for you, it seems to be very good and fun for both, adults and kids. Maybe even something the wife might play.
  • GR:AW is definitely worth it. Or if it suites your tastes more, R6: Vegas also looks hot.
  • If you like sports, NBA 2k7 is probably the best next-gen sports game to date.
  • You can probably pick up some of the launch titles cheap, either used or as classics, so I'd say pick two games out of the following: Kameo / PGR 3 / PDZ / COD2, instead of only one full price game.
  • Get some XBL Arcade games, like Geometry Wars, Cloning Clyde or whatever suits your tastes. Loads of fun stuff there, check the free demos.
  • Get a second controller and the play & charge kit.

Just to point out from his message, i don't think he has kids, he says "a family member with kids" so i guess unless you like that sort of thing, Viva Pinata is out.
Of the games I have, my 5 faves are: GoW, GR:AW, Test Drive Unlimited, FNR3 and.....well, a bunch of Live Arcade games (Marble Blast and Geometry Wars definitely stand out there).
Since you have Oblivion on the PC these are the games i would recommend(mind you that i've owned about 25 xbox360 games).
Full price:
1)Gears of War-Obvious choice.Great graphics,great gameplay.
2)GRAW-Again a 3rd person shooter but quite different.
3)Saint's Raw-If you are into GTA games this is a good next generation experience.Next gen graphics(they are really nice) and quite refined gameplay mechanics(better than GTA).Has a problem with frame rate,esp. of you enable V-Sync but i can live with that.
4)Dead Rising.Unique gameplay and surprisingly deep.Combines sandbox game mechanics with horror tension.Again very nice graphics.
5)Rainbow 6:Vegas.

Bargain price:
1)PGR3-a must own.Best looking racing game thus far plus a very polished gameplay experience.
2)Kameo-most underrated game of the entire xbox360 library.Extremely beautiful game,a real showcase for the console.Varied gameplay from platform to beat em up to action game.
3)Condemned-another unique game(like dead rising).Very frightening horror game that IS NOT a FPS since there's almost no shooting at all in this.Great visual and fantastic(really frightening) audio.A must,IMO.

All of the games that i recommend are not on the PC(except Condemned,GRAW is a different game)
As a second through, you could do what I did.

Get the system with one game you absolutely know you will play to death (eg, for me, PGR3 - which was free too :yes:). Then download all the demos :)
I've probably downloaded 30 demos so far. Probably 15 in the first weeks I had the machine. It's a great way to figure out if a game is 'you'.
Although you have to take into account a lot of demos aren't the same quality as the full game. TDU and Saints come to mind here.
As a second through, you could do what I did.

Get the system with one game you absolutely know you will play to death (eg, for me, PGR3 - which was free too :yes:). Then download all the demos :)
I've probably downloaded 30 demos so far. Probably 15 in the first weeks I had the machine. It's a great way to figure out if a game is 'you'.
Although you have to take into account a lot of demos aren't the same quality as the full game. TDU and Saints come to mind here.

On second thought I think that this is the best strategy of all... nearly every game recommended for purchase has a demo on xbox live so its way cheaper and more beneficial for you to get the system, get xbox live a second controller and sit on the rest of that cash until you try every game you may be interested in out. That way you can infuse the opinion of strangers (us) directly with your own tastes and STILL dont have to pay for a rental!

Great advice Graham.
Gears of War
Rainbow 6
Dead Rising
- the final choice depends on your preference for games, I would personally suggest Marvel Ult. Alliance or Kameo
Rainbox Six: Vegas. This game rocks. It's very difficult though. Even on "normal" you get owned. The AI is very good on your squad and the enemy. Highly tactical. Also 4 player co-op so lots and lots of replay value.

Gears of War. Enough has been said about this title. You almost can't mention a 360 without mentioning this game with it.

PGR3. Still a great looking game and tons of fun. A perfect blend of arcade and simulation. You don't need to be a car tuner to play! Just pick your car and drive fast.

Fight Night 3. Can't beat the feeling of talking shit while you beat their head in over Live :) or with a buddy on the couch.