Interaction in Shenmue is mostly talking, where people repeat phrases over and over. At least, when you beat the people up in GTA3 you start the logical sequence of events (ambulance comes and police starts chasing you) What happens when you beat up a guy in Shenmue? He disappears.I find 350 simulated lives in a virtual town where you can enter shops and interact with the citizenry with something other than a baseball bat to be far more impressive than GTA3. There aren't any real simulated characters in GTA3 except the main ones you occasionally talk to.
This is perhaps the most ridiculous claim I've heard so far. So, Black & White and State of Emergency have generated so much E3 hype and turned out to be excellent games? Wait, they didn't...Here's something: If GTA3 is so good, how come the publisher and Sony didn't run TV spots for it when it first came out? The answer is simple: It's not that good. Sony and Rockstar had no idea that it was going to become a phenomenon. The reason why legions of industry people (including reviewers at E3) overlooked GTA3 was because by all objective measures it's nothing special.
Do you really think that Rockastar had any influence over ads for the game? They are really small team with no marketing power of their own. Also, do you have any idea how clueles the marketing people that decide on such things can be?
Is ICO also a terrible game that deserved no advertising? According to what you just said it was, and I know you don't think so.
I predict the series popularity will fade away after Vice City.
Let's see... What game just screams "I want to go online"? GTA4.