You'll never believe this, I have now joined the Dark Side!

Doomtrooper said:
Actually I think you made a wise decision, after playing with a Gamecube at a party the other night I am going to get one for my kids for Xmas...I was thinking X-box but the Cube has better kids games.

Yeah, I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids. If our kids didn't already have a PSOne I would probably get them that, but seeing as they are taken care of it was time to get myself something. :)

Doomtrooper said:
The PC gaming industry just plain sucks anymore...with a handful of games that are actually worth playing (UT 2003 was a huge dissapointment for myself)..Developers playing favorites with IHV's (specific extensions or code paths etc..)..System requirments that cost a arm and a leg to keep up with and of course the hardware is two years ahead of the developers.

I totally agree. I started seeing this problem a couple of years ago, but it wasn't such a big problem when I was fortunate enough to keep up with the progress.

Doomtrooper said:
I am not the only one thinking this, my UT clanmates (all in their 30-40's) are also making the jump soon, no downloading specific extensions and best of all..CHEAP and looks great on a big screen TV.

Actually, I liked the downloading drivers, tinkering, etc part of using the PC. I mean I did do tech support for Creative for 3.5 years. :) So the lack of that on the Xbox may be exciting for some, but for myself it's kind of like not having whipped creme on my hot chocolate. :D

Doomtrooper said:
When you look at EA sports says about the PC industry (they sold 75,000 NHL 2003's) vs. 1 million console NHL 2003's you can see the PC is not the coding target anymore...
Not sure who to blame, IHV's or Developers but they will be driving more nails into the coffin unless the PC gaming industry shapes up.

I think the only way for the PC gaming industry to shape up is for the PC industry itself to get better. Right now as it stands it's looking bleak. The only reason you need a faster PC is for the latest games and graphics, but with the game developers being behind it's not that much of an advantage anymore. I'm starting to wonder if the game developers will ever catch up. What's funnier it might take the next gen consoles coming out to spur that development.

Tommy McClain
Windfire said:
I just picked up an XBox for Christmas too! :)

Yay! :)

Windfire said:
Costco had the console, an extra S controller and the DVD controler for $239. I then tapped one of my Microsoft friends and picked up a half dozen games for $20 each (Halo, MechAsault, Blinx, etc.).

Man, you suck!! j/k :) Too bad there aren't any Costco's in my area. Now, if I could find Halo real cheap...

Windfire said:
It's going under the tree until Christmas. I have to at least act like it's a Christmas present!

No you don't! :) Good thing we don't have a tree up yet. I don't think I could last till Christmas.

Windfire said:
My biggest hurdle is going to be not having a mouse/keyboard for games!

That was my thought as well, but I'm starting to think the controller will eventually be a pretty good replacement.

Windfire said:
I'm also wondering if getting a wheel will be a good idea for the driving games I'll have (Sega GT 2002, Gotham Racing, Rallisport Challenge, Halo?, etc.)

If you spend a lot of time racing, then it should be a good investment, but I don't think a wheel is necessary(even it did work) for driving the warthog in Halo.

Windfire said:
I know one thing... The XBox can't do hi-res like my P4 2GHz + TI4400.

True, but who cares if the Xbox still looks and plays good on a 60" windscreen TV. :)

Tommy McClain
Plasmatics said:
I stopped reading early on. Anyone who ignores consoles or the PC in favor of the other (or for that matter one console over another) for any length of time is someone whose opinion I cannot respect.

Man, getting your respect would be pretty damn hard I believe. By your standards anybody not owning a PC and all game consoles doesn't deserve your respect. Boy, that's a great way to make friends. :)

For the record, if I could afford to have buy every piece of 3D hardware and game console, I would. But I cannot, so I chose the Xbox.

BTW, An old friend and roommate used to buy every console that came out the day it was released. Wow, that's one person that I know of whose opinion you would respect.

Tommy McClain
Johnny Awesome said:
Good choice getting an Xbox. There's a good blend of PC-type as well as console-type games on the system. You've done pretty well in chosing the bundle + DoA3 + Halo + Splinter Cell. I recommend getting MechAssault as well, and possibly Ghost Recon.

Early next year there are some great games coming, like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and Dead or Alive Xtreme Volleyball.

Happy Xbox gaming!

Thanks! I'm starting to not feel so bad about spending the money. I'll look into the your game suggestions. MechAssault, Star Wars and Wolfenstein seem like great titles. Thanks again.

Tommy McClain
covermye said:
Good analogy, Mr. Singh.


covermye said:
I don't necessarily love M$ or their business practices, but hey... capitalism is good and all that stuff. From a consumer and citizen standpoint, I'd rather see a successful M$ than a powerful federal gov't that's hell-bent on "creating more competition" by hammering success.

Hear hear!

covermye said:
Probably too political of a post for not posting here in a while, but the point remains: it's all about the games, man. Doesn't it sound silly that you'd allow your pursuit of pleasure in deciding which game console to buy to be clouded by idealistic views of business practices.

Hehe, couldn't have said it better myself.

Tommy McClain
BenSkywalker said:
Your reccomending a port of an old PC game(RtCW) to a PC gamer who just purchased a console? Well, I'm not familiar with AzBat's gaming library but I would suggest JKII out of any of the PC ports headed to or currently on the XBox.

:) Considering I haven't bought RtCW or even seen it on the PC, it's something I will consider. I was out of the PC business for over a year and my machine is so slow that buying RtCW wouldn't be any fun. I like Star Wars games, so I'll probably check out JKII too.

BenSkywalker said:
I'd reccomend either finding someone who has a subscription to XBox Magazine or perhaps subscribing yourself. Each month it comes with a demo disc that will have five or six games for you to try out. Not exactly the same as DLing a free demo, but you also know it will run flawlessly on your 'rig' too ;)

Great idea man, thanks! Unfortunately I don't know anybody that owns a Xbox. Maybe I'll look online to see if anybody has any extra back issues.

Tommy McClain
Yeah, I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids. If our kids didn't already have a PSOne I would probably get them that, but seeing as they are taken care of it was time to get myself something.

You know what I think? I think that's an extremely ignorant thing to say.

I also agree with Johnny's :rolleyes: too.

I mean I do fear that MS will sell Xbox at a massive loss now and then if they gain total dominance we'll see nothing but overpriced consoles from MS (although I don't see them ever getting total dominance in this business). But I don't think there's really any reason to encourage people to buoycot every product that comes from MS. That just sounds a little crazed to me.
Micrososft has me pretty tempted.. here in Switzerland, they're selling Xbox + 5 Games for roughly $US 280 (!). A price like that is ridiculous... unfortunately (or fortunately for my wallet's sake) there aren't that many games that would make it worthwhile for me, so I guess I'll just wait and see (and enjoy the PS2 at the same time). Dunno, maybe they'll drop the price even further and who knows... :)
Teasy said:
Yeah, I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids. If our kids didn't already have a PSOne I would probably get them that, but seeing as they are taken care of it was time to get myself something.

You know what I think? I think that's an extremely ignorant thing to say.

Ouch, that hurt. Didn't notice the smiley? For what's it's worth I meant it was time to get myself a game machine. Also, I had already spent a couple of hundred on the kids anyway. Don't worry, the kids aren't getting ignored for Christmas.

Tommy McClain
Ouch, that hurt. Didn't notice the smiley? For what's it's worth I meant it was time to get myself a game machine. Also, I had already spent a couple of hundred on the kids anyway. Don't worry, the kids aren't getting ignored for Christmas.

Hmm, it seems I quoted too much there. I was replying specifically to this comment:

Yeah, I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids.

GameCube has plenty for any age of users, its suited no more to kids then to adults. Just because GameCube has some really high quality 'family' games that doesn't mean its "better suited to kids".

I mean in my opinion just about all of the 'family' games that come from Nintendo are great for any age, I just couldn't play only dark/voilent games or even just serious games. But if that's not your taste then you'll still be fine with the system. You tell me if Resident Evil 1 and 0, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, Die Hard: Vendetta ect ect (all GameCube only games) are better suited for kids or adults? Or wether any of the multi-platform games like, for instance, BMX XXX (censored on PS2 and not on GameCube BTW) is better for you or your kids :)

I'm not trying to convince you to get the system, nor questioning your decision on which console to buy. I just hate it when someone comes out with these comments on GameCube being suited more to kids. It just annoys me for some reason. It always comes from either being a fan-boy from a different console or, in your case, just lack of knowledge on what games GameCube has to offer.

BTW, sorry if you were insulted by my comment. I just meant ignorant in the sense of being uninformed in this particular area (the sort of games available on GameCube).
The whole concept of a gaming community is all PC. How many Splinter Cell mods do you think your buddies will create? Consoles are great and fun but PC's are way cooler. :D I know people who became interested in PC tech from learning how to get their games running and now work in the tech industry. If you like games like Combat Mission, Grand Prix Legends, IL2 Sturmovik, etc. you better keep your PC. Mind you I think the Cube rulez 8)
Teasy said:
Hmm, it seems I quoted too much there. I was replying specifically to this comment:


Teasy said:
GameCube has plenty for any age of users if they're willing to see that. Just because GameCube has some real quality family games that doesn't mean its "better suited to kids". You tell me if Resident Evil 1/0 Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, Die Hard: Vendetta ect ect (all GameCube only games) are better suited for kids or adults.

It's obvious those specific games are intended for adults, but I still say the GameCube has more games intended for kids than the Xbox. Just check the Nintendo web site, it lists 13 Mature, 59 Teen, and 101 Everyone games. The Xbox web site lists 25 Mature, 91 Teen and 78 Everyone games. You do the math. :)

So I guess when I said "better suited for kids", I guess I should have been more specific and said "better suited for kids under 13". Is that better? :)

Tommy McClain
What does XBox have to do with what age GameCube is better suited to?

If you want to say that GameCube is better suited to kids then XBox, then fine, so it PS2. Simply because XBox has barely any games suitable for kids and any that are aren't of a very high quality (Blinx for instance).

XBox being crap for kids does not make GameCube better suited to kids then adults. As I've said GameCube has plenty of games for any age/taste.

BTW, I'm not sure those numbers actually add up. I was under the impression that GameCube and XBox had allot more then 173/194 games.

So I guess when I said "better suited for kids", I guess I should have been more specific and said "better suited for kids under 13". Is that better?

That's even sillier then your first comment :eek:

Why are you being difficult? <shakes head>

And why do you have to make complete rewrites to your messages? By the time I finish replying to your first message, you have edited it and completely rewrote it. Make up your mind! :D

Teasy said:
I'm not trying to convince you to get the system, nor questioning your decision on which console to buy. I just hate it when someone comes out with these comments on GameCube being suited more to kids. It just annoys me for some reason. It always comes from either being a fan-boy from a different console or, in your case, just lack of knowledge on what games GameCube has to offer.

I can understand trying to stamp out misconceptions, but I wasn't try to say that the GameCube didn't have any adult titles. I was just saying that the GameCube had more and better kids games than the Xbox.

Teasy said:
BTW, sorry if you were insulted by my comment. I just meant ignorant in the sense of being uninformed in this particular area (the sort of games available on GameCube).

No problem, I just misunderstood your comment. Mistakes like that do happen, right Teasy? ;)

Teasy said:
What does XBox have to do with what age GameCube is better suited to?

If you want to say that GameCube is better suited to kids then XBox, then fine, so it PS2. Simply because XBox has barely any games suitable for kids and any that are aren't of a very high quality (Blinx for instance).

My initial comment was a simple one. I was agreeing with Doomtrooper's comment that GameCube had better kids games THAN THE XBOX. I started this thread about the Xbox. So naturally I'm going to make comparisons of the Xbox to other consoles. Doomtrooper mentioned the GameCube, not the PS2. So in relation to the GameCube I said the Xbox was better suited for kids. There's nothing wrong with that. The GameCube has more kids games in addition to being better than the games that Xbox has. So, if I was a kid I would rather have the GameCube. That's why I said I would have gotten one for my kids(boys ages 8, 10 and 12).

Teasy said:
XBox being crap for kids does not make GameCube better suited to kids then adults.

It's all down to semantics now isn't it? In any case, I didn't say than adults did I? You either made that assumption or misunderstood. :)

Teasy said:
As I've said GameCube has plenty of games for any age/taste.

Again, I didn't say anything to the contrary.

Teasy said:
BTW, I'm not sure those numbers actually add up. I was under the impression that GameCube and XBox had allot more then 173/194 games.

Ummm, have you ever actually viewed the game lists on the GameCube and Xbox sites? I only quoted the Mature, Teen and Everyone titles. There are other categories like Rating Pending, Not Rated and Early Childhood. That would make the GameCube have a total 303 games and a total of 213 games for the Xbox.

Tommy McClain
Gamecube IS better suited for children...but that doesn't mean there's a lack of selection of mature games for the Gamecube, or that many of the games are fun for all ages.

Get off it, Teasy, it's painful to see you act so hurt when people mention the Gamecube is better for kids.
I'm not being difficult, I'm just making my point. If I mis-understood you then look back at the earlier posts to find out why. I'm not a mind reader :)

BTW, yeah I do edit some of my posts allot. But I don't change my actually point, just the wording. I tend to write something very quickly, post it, and then think "hmm I could have said that better/more clearly" so I go back and edit. Sometimes I edit a post 3-4 times. Sorry, I realise it may be annoying, but I just like to try to get my point accross as clearly as possible.

I can understand trying to stamp out misconceptions, but I wasn't try to say that the GameCube didn't have any adult titles. I was just saying that the GameCube had more and better kids games than the Xbox.

Well if you'd said that in the first place, or even the second time round I wouldn't have argued anymore.

My initial comment was a simple one. I was agreeing with Doomtrooper's comment that GameCube had better kids games THAN THE XBOX.

If that's what you meant then fine, but until now you didn't actually clear up your earlier comment, which could have been read a few different ways.

Also just because you started this thread about XBox that doesn't mean that everything in it has to instantly relate to XBox wether you say so or not. I could say, "your making no sense".. does that then read "your making no sense compared to XBox"?.. see my point? :)

It's all down to semantics now isn't it? In any case, I didn't say than adults did I? You either made that assumption or misunderstood.

Well I had to assume something didn't I? You said "I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids". I could have read that two ways, as "I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids then XBox" or "I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids then adults". You can't really blame me for reading it one way or the other.

Ummm, have you ever actually viewed the game lists on the GameCube and Xbox sites? I only quoted the Mature, Teen and Everyone titles. There are other categories like Rating Pending, Not Rated and Early Childhood. That would make the GameCube have a total 303 games and a total of 213 games for the Xbox.

Wierd, I thought all games were rated something. I wasn't actually questioning the numbers for this argument BTW, I was just mentioning it.

Anyway no problem, just a mis-understanding and I agree with what your actually saying.


Gamecube IS better suited for children...but that doesn't mean there's a lack of selection of mature games for the Gamecube, or that many of the games are fun for all ages.

So the GameCube has no lack of mature games, and games that are fun for all ages yet its somehow more suited to kids then adults? Could you put some sense to that argument?

Get off it, Teasy, it's painful to see you act so hurt when people mention the Gamecube is better for kids.

Stop trolling, time to grow up a little bit Glonk.
Teasy said:
So the GameCube has no lack of mature games, and games that are fun for all ages yet its somehow more suited to kids then adults? Could you put some sense to that argument?
(You misunderstood my argument -- I'm not saying Gamecube is better for kids than adults, I'm saying it's better for kids than the Xbox and PS2 are. Please try reading more carefully next time.)

For one, the Gamecube controller is far better suited for a child's hands than, say, the Xbox's controller.
The top-load disc drive is less likely to break from the childish wear-and-tear than a tray-load disc drive.
There are best selling flagship games like Mario on Gamecube, the best selling flagship game on Xbox is Halo, and on PS2 GTA3.

Is it any wonder that mothers are going to be picking up Gamecubes over Xboxes for their younger kids?

Nintendo just has a reputation for being good for young kids -- for that reason they get many of the games that developers feel are intended for younger kids. It's not saying anything about it being a worse console for people OLDER than that demographic like you want to believe it implies -- but it doesn't.

Gamecubes are just better suited for kids < 10 years old. That's why Toys R Us sells more Gamecubes than Xboxes... To clarify again, I'm not saying Gamecubes are better for younger kids than older kids, I'm saying Gamecubes are better for younger kids than any other console (PS2 or Xbox).

Stop trolling, time to grow up a little bit Glonk.
You make me so sad sometimes, Teasy, and it's not because you've upset me. :-?
Certainly: For one, the Gamecube controller is far better suited for a child's hands than, say, the Xbox's controller.
The top-load disc drive is less likely to break from the childish wear-and-tear than a tray-load disc drive.
There are best selling flagship games like Mario on Gamecube, the best selling flagship game on Xbox is Halo, and on PS2 GTA3.

It seems like there's been another mis-understanding here. You said "Gamecube IS better suited for children", I took that as is, without relating to any other console. But from your other comments you seem to be saying that GameCube is a better choice for kids then an XBox.. in which case, absolutely, I agree.

You make me so sad sometimes, Teasy, and it's not because you've upset me.

Hey what do you expect? Instead of just putting a point accross you just had to post an insulting comment. For absolutely no reason too (certainly not a retaliation since I hadn't even spoken to you in this thread at that point).


This part was edded to to Glonks post after I replied:

(You misunderstood my argument -- I'm not saying Gamecube is better for kids than adults, I'm saying it's better for kids than the Xbox and PS2 are. Please try reading more carefully next time.)

I had no problem just saying this was a mis-understanding and not pointing blame at either of us. But now that you seem to want to blame me for it I'll clear this up. I don't need to read more carefully, you need to write more carefully.

Did you say "Gamecube IS better suited for children then XBox"?.. no, because had you said that there would have been no mis-understanding. You actually said:

"Gamecube IS better suited for children...but that doesn't mean there's a lack of selection of mature games for the Gamecube, or that many of the games are fun for all ages.

Unless you actually mention XBox I'm not just going to assume your comparing to XBox, I'm obviously going to assume your only talking about GameCube.
Teasy said:
Yeah, I think the Game Cube is better suited for kids. If our kids didn't already have a PSOne I would probably get them that, but seeing as they are taken care of it was time to get myself something.

You know what I think? I think that's an extremely ignorant thing to say.

I also agree with Johnny's :rolleyes: too.

I mean I do fear that MS will sell Xbox at a massive loss now and then if they gain total dominance we'll see nothing but overpriced consoles from MS (although I don't see them ever getting total dominance in this business).

That is what every single company that has ever been on top in this industry has done. Nintendo made an almost criminal profit off of over-priced NES and SNES hardware. Sony only slashed the price of the PS2 to try to one-up Microsoft. Every company does this.