You know what's missing from games these days?


I'll tell you what's missing... good, old fashioned cheats.

You know, the kind that you'd have to remember some strange code or word to punch in to unlock weird stuff like sound tests, god mode and the like. It's not like they killed the game, but they were a fun diversion to keep you entertained after you finished the game - plow through a certain level with unlimited rocket ammo or something like that.

I remember discovering the ABACABB code for the Megadrive MK1 game as a great moment from my childhood. My friends and I madly explored the "new" fatalities now they had unlocked the "true" game, and it was something to behold. It really makes the game stand out in my memory.

I'm playing Force Unleashed right now, and I am thinking how much fun this game would be for a romp once if you had infinite force power for the whole game. Why can't I have that??

Why is it that games are now simply about unlocks?
I remember when you had to type in a whole stack of BASIC to do a hex loader for two pages of hex that you typed in just to get a cheat activated. That almost made the cheat more challenging than the game!
I'll tell you what's missing... good, old fashioned cheats.

You know, the kind that you'd have to remember some strange code or word to punch in to unlock weird stuff like sound tests, god mode and the like. It's not like they killed the game, but they were a fun diversion to keep you entertained after you finished the game - plow through a certain level with unlimited rocket ammo or something like that.

I remember discovering the ABACABB code for the Megadrive MK1 game as a great moment from my childhood. My friends and I madly explored the "new" fatalities now they had unlocked the "true" game, and it was something to behold. It really makes the game stand out in my memory.

I'm playing Force Unleashed right now, and I am thinking how much fun this game would be for a romp once if you had infinite force power for the whole game. Why can't I have that??

Why is it that games are now simply about unlocks?

I think it's achievements. GTA4 at least had cheats, though they disabled achievements.
I agree with cheats and GTA IV.

And GTA: SA.

The question is: how fun were those games without the cheats and up to what point?
I'm playing Force Unleashed right now, and I am thinking how much fun this game would be for a romp once if you had infinite force power for the whole game. Why can't I have that??

The Wii/PS2/PSP versions definitely have the cheats you asked for, Can't vouch for the PS3/360 versions, but I'm guessing they do too.
There are no more cheats because you don't have a keyboard on a console.
Cheats used to be button combinations when paused, long chains of Ex Ex Circle
Triangle Square Triangle Ex Ex Ex Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right Triangle Triangle Square.
No sarcasm at all. Games also need characters with bigger muscles. What happened to all the muscles?
You're causing my mind to explode!!!