XP asks for non-existent password


I have 2 users in my computer: one for myself with administrator privileges, and a generic power user for whoever needs to use my computer. Only my account is protected with a password, the other is completely blank.

The thing is, I keep telling my parents they can use my computer without restrictions in case they need it, and I just noticed the "free" account is asking for a password even though there isn't any. I tried creating and deleting one, but it didn't work.

Recently I turned on Remote Desktop, something tells me it has something to do with it, but disabling it again made no difference.

Any of you have a clue on what's going on?
Thanks for the reply.

Although I don't personally use it, there's lots of stuff in there that may be important to my family members. Not only data, but general settings and mail accounts, etc. I'd alse have to change permissions on all files to account for the new user. God knows where they keep their files.

Isn't there some kind of logical explanation for this behaviour? It's always good to know... :D
t0y said:
Isn't there some kind of logical explanation for this behaviour? It's always good to know... :D

No. It's MS OS.
Errr.. not that I agree with you 100%, but it works now even though I had given up trying yesterday... :rolleyes: