Various answers:
Color and Z compression: we does'nt use MSAA on PS3, so compression mode does'nt help in any case. docs say that sometime it can help a few. but not in your case.
mixing Local and Main memory for MRTs: Incompatible with tiling
64bits vs 32bits Rendertarget: we could do things like RGBE, but it's far from the quality of a real HR surface. For raw perf between the two, i does'nt remember stats from head
Zcull reload: Of course we do a Zprepass + Zcull reload to optimise the Zfar (and destroy Znear but early accept not really usefull).
One really helping friend on ps3 is conditional rendering, counting pixels from the front to back drawing of the z pass and use an index for each primitive to store it (thanks 2.20 to bring indices from 2048 to up to 1<<20)
Half resolution particles: it's a big help and we use it for fire effect since it was a big feature on alone. Here again, rebuilding a zcull is 0.4ms on PS3, and less than 0.08ms on X360 (outputing point sprite of 4x4 size to initialise HiZ)
X360 unified shader pipeline: DR is great because it use light weight shaders for Filling MRT, and i can give few GPR to vertex shader to give real speed up to pixels (AITD's balance is 32/96)
Tiled surface sample in the lighting pass: for a directional light, not a big issue, but when you have to light a spot or point light with weird primming on stencil (like alpha test folliage, it can put pressure on texture fetch more than you think)
D16 is'nt precise enough for your needs
and finaly, one black point for DR on X360 or i'll be flag as a x360 fanboy: The cost of resolve operation that can be several ms since we have to resolve each fragment unmerged.