Xbox Backups On Xbox 360?

There are some discussions on the net about this.
People says that they have been able to play backup copies of halo and halo2.
(this has probably something to do with the old emulator executables put on the original hd, not the one downloaded trough live)
But no one posted any proof yet.

The following video shows a person putting a backup copy of a game inside the xbox
and having it recognized as an original game, and the dashboard telling the user to buy a HD.

As the emulators are just new executables it might be that they cannot do the media check (or just it wasn't implemented on the old verisions) on the disk and they just stream the data from it.

I guess this won't happen for any new emulated game, as it would be a pretty bad move from MS.

edit: the dashboard is telling the user to get an HD to be able to use emulation
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FireGoblin said:
or a piece of marketing genius......

Yeah why not, but i'm sure all the developers still developing for xbox1 wouldn't really think about it as marketing genious!

That would mean really a little xbox games sold anymore, not that microsoft would care much about the lost royalities, but i'm pretty sure it would care about pissing off all the major developers.
I agree totally, but the phrase 'plausible deniability' springs to mind!

The revenue stream that MS gets from new sales of old XBox games is going to be tiny, especially compared to new generation sales. However, if they get people buying XBox 360's so they can play copied XB1 games they'll be confident of pursuading them to buy new generation games in the long run.

Of course software dev's won't be too happy. However I imagine their revenue from new (not second hand) purchases of these old games is quite small as well. Most people who would take advantage wouldn't have purchased these games anyway - so long as MS can give a solution to dev's where NEW XB1 releases can be protected they'll be happy.

Of course it still needs to be confirmed that copied games can run etc, but I would bet my house that, if they can, this is 'black' marketing of the highest order and could well turn out to be an absolute masterstroke in getting undecided consumers to swing MS's way.
How about the following explanation (which is obviously too simple for the tinhat-people to think of):
1) Xbox 360 checks disc structure, recognizes Xbox 1 Filesystem
2) Xbox 360 checks for hardrive / emulator
--->guy>is>here-> aborts if no hardrive found <---guy<is<here-<
3) Xbox 360 checks copy protection / executable signature
4) Xbox 360 runs emulator
[maven] said:
How about the following explanation (which is obviously too simple for the tinhat-people to think of):
1) Xbox 360 checks disc structure, recognizes Xbox 1 Filesystem
2) Xbox 360 checks for hardrive / emulator
--->guy>is>here-> aborts if no hardrive found <---guy<is<here-<
3) Xbox 360 checks copy protection / executable signature
4) Xbox 360 runs emulator

That's exactly my thinking.
But some people assured that they could play halo with the old versione of the emulator, so I'm pretty confident that the new emulator works like you described. (the xbox without the hd probably cannot even do the media check, which is probably inside the emulator)
But it probably looks like the old version didn't have the point number 3 implemented.
Out of interest, does anyone know if this has proven to be true i.e. copied XB1 games run on XB360?

Especially after the software/firmware has been updated via Live?
Oh yeah........"backups". Cut the crap, this is a discovery purely in the interests of pirateers or whatever you want to call it.
LogisticX said:
Oh yeah........"backups". Cut the crap, this is a discovery purely in the interests of pirateers or whatever you want to call it.

If you read my previous comments, 1) I say 'copied', not backups, I never pretended otherwise and 2) I was asking within the framework of a deliberate (though 'deniable') decision by MS to allow copied XB1 games to play on UNMODIFIED XB360 to further hardware sales and gain marketshare for the XB360 at the expense of dwindling XB1 software sales.

My point was that MS themselves would have nothing to lose, directly, by allowing it - anyone buying HALO (for instance) now will almost certainly be buying a 2nd hand copy that generates NO revenue for MS or Bungie (etc).

The flip side would be that it would get them VERY bad press within the developer community (which is why it would have to have plausible deniability).

Either way, if it is true I would say it is ONLY because MS permitted it, which is why I was asking the question!

That said, as a general statement, copying is wrong and I do believe companies have the right to enforce their IP to protect their products.
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