If I had to choose online gaming w/o or ~ $5/mo with ingame voice chat -- the later wins, hands down.
I don't think you should have to choose. I don't think MS can credibly hold out universal support for voice chat (something that may well become available over time on the PNP via your in-game XMB anyway) when it's something that doesn't incur nearly as much, if any, ongoing cost compared to other features (which are being provided for free). It might be something you value, but I don't think it's something you should have to pay for.
Being an online gamer (i.e. the initial targetted audiance) I would say this is a make or break feature for any online gaming service.
Not being able to chat online ingame is a major hurdle to online gaming.
I think you're really exagerrating here. Voice chat is very useful in certain types of game, but in many others I just completely switch it off. In fact, I've had many experiences where voice chat has been 'break' for me, rather than 'make'. There can be little worse than listening to a bunch of hyperactive 12 year olds who know they have an audience, so to speak. Now, if you're only ever playing with your mature peers who you personally know, that's a different story (although I think most people playing online are usually playing with people they don't know).
Again, it can be very very useful in some games when playing with the right people, but in others it absence certainly isn't a hurdle, and can be a blessing in my experience..!
All of that said, I think universal voice chat should be an option (even if I won't use it more often that not), and I'm fairly confident that will be one of the features exposed in the in-game XMB friends list over time. But it's certainly not something I'd pay for, personally, and I don't think it's a convincing justification for subscription fees looking at the economics of that. Generally looking at Greenberg's answer to the second question, I think he should have thought it through more carefully..by the end he was really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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