Xabre benchmarks


A few notes,tried the Xabre with both Morrowind and Comanche4 with shaders enabled . Both didn't work (probably the same issue as 3dmark 2001SE's Advanced Pixel Shader. Not a criticism, as the card won't be released till late next month/July, but just a observation.

Kristof, Serious Sam reports Pixel Format 2 (I believe the 8500 reports 6, the Geforce3/4 Ti series 4), and does dual texturing by default. Anisotropic filtering, as I discussed earlier is disabled in OpenGL.

In any event, here's some more benchmarks. Note the Quake3 scores seem lower than I expected .

3dmark2001 SE
1024x768 6769
1280x1024 5059

Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 640x480x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=ENABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=DISABLED

Frames per second: 17.98 avg
Tris per second: 3,561,407 avg

Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 800x600x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=ENABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=DISABLED

Frames per second: 17.31 avg
Tris per second: 3,428,719 avg

Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1024x768x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=ENABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=DISABLED

Frames per second: 16.37 avg
Tris per second: 3,243,263 avg

Comanche 4 Benchmark Results for 1280x1024x32 FSAA=0 VSync=OFF DXTC=ENABLED AUDIO=OFF SHADERS=DISABLED

Frames per second: 14.80 avg
Tris per second: 2,931,771 avg

Serious Sam the Second Encounter
No FSAA 116
2x FSAA 68.4
4x FSAA 55.5

No FSAA 94
2x FSAA 53.9
4x FSAA 40.2

No FSAA 67.0
2x FSAA 37.9
4x FSAA 27.4

No FSAA 37.1
2x FSAA 24.6
4x FSAA 11.9

no FSAA 181.5
2x 108.7
4x 92.3

no FSAA 180.5
2x 87.2
4x 70.7

no FSAA 164.4
2x 63.8
4x 50.7

no FSAA 114.4
2x 42.5
4x 22.5

For a first go, those numbers really aren't too bad. Granted, it does sound like the drivers are a little on the...shall we say...immature side.

The main problem, of course, is where does this card fit in the grand scheme of things. As has been pointed out, the lower end ATI/nVidia products are obviously leaps-n-bounds ahead in terms of driver maturity...and you can pick up these things for $100-150.

So, unless this card is aiming for the sub $100 market, it would seem rather difficult to imagine this product really doing well.

The one thing that these guys _must_ do is to get rid of that cheezy looking driver interface/control-panel. Not that it's a major issue, but it looked pretty awful to me.