Worth to wait for D8M or not ?


Well I guess everyone should know that G92 is D8M now. :p

I was waiting for G92 for sometime now and I want to disccuss with you guys !!
Good technology to wait PCIe 2.0 65 nanometre(Much cooler than G80 :cool: )

But was it worth to wait ? I was going to buy 8800GTS with all new computer,if the price of D8M is not too much I might buy couple of them and SLI them. :D

Last question does SLI speed up in application view port like Maya ?

Thanks you very much. ;)
Well I guess everyone should know that G92 is D8M now. :p

I was waiting for G92 for sometime now and I want to disccuss with you guys !!
Good technology to wait PCIe 2.0 65 nanometre(Much cooler than G80 :cool: )

But was it worth to wait ? I was going to buy 8800GTS with all new computer,if the price of D8M is not too much I might buy couple of them and SLI them. :D

Last question does SLI speed up in application view port like Maya ?

Thanks you very much. ;)

You can't wait a month to find out if it's worth it or not ? Come on... ;)
I need a new computer to use now I've been following G92 news for couple months already.

First every sites said its GeForce9800 (There is even GTX spec)
Next VR-Zone said its GeForce8700GTS and their perfermance will close to 8800GTS
Now...Fudzilla said there is no G92 but instead we will got D8x

When I study deeper about SLI thing perfermance I just say forget it since I'm going to use Samsung 226BW only (Max resolution is 1680 x 1050)

All I know now is if I pick my new PC now I'll use P35 chipset can save me some bucks and get 8800GTX (and hoping that my perfermanc will be around 9800GTS) or if I wait...

I'll get X38 chipset + G92 or whatever based graphic card @_@

There is only 2 things that made me interesting G92 badly is 65nm (no more crazy heat like G80) and PCIe 2.0

I think the heat would be important to me since I'm going to leave my turn on all night during rendering time.

I dont know anything now I'm extremely confused please help me to decide on this. :(