"Word of WARNING HDTV owners!"


thegame109 said:
Ok so everyone should know this by now,but if you don't i wanna make you people aware so that your (Euro) launch goes as smooth as possible!.

YOU MUST switch the switch FROM sdtv(Normal tv) TO hdtv(high def) with the HD component cables with the premium Xbox360.

You may think this thread is a waste of time...but i've read a fair few who didn't know about this.
[source: http://forum.teamxbox.com/showthread.php?t=396635 ]
Whaddya mean WARNING.

One doesn't HAVE to move the switch, nothing bad will happen. :rolleyes: In fact I forgot to move it myself first time I booted up the system.

Talk about crying wolf, sheesh! ;)
It is a little black switch on the part of the cable that plugs into the 360, and I have heard reports of the sky falling when people dont use it. :D
Deepak said:
What is this thread about? :?:

Xbox360 will blow up your HDTV unless your TEH SMART and really know how to configure it.

No no, I am really contributing by bumping this post up because it is good info. Now I am gonna post a "Warning XBOX360 owners thread" with the content: dont forget to plug in the power cord before use. ;)