windows, the fcukwit

fucking hell, i miss the bootdisk & tools :(
just built a new compy
neither drive was formatted and i don't recall being offered to format both, as, once i'd formatted one, i was wisked off and windows got installed on it
after half a day [so far] of getting my computer back from ms (i hadn't even got as far as sp2 with all the things that need to be done first) i decided to do something about the remaining unformatted drive
i couldn't format it from within windows because it's obviously not selectable yet, only just showing under devices
so, i put in the windows cd and boot from it
at the menu i was asked about drives i'd like to install windows to and proceeded along the path of getting my other drive formatted
shit! windows is now installing on the other drive!
wouldn't it be simple logic and common courtesy to ask if you'd finished formatting or want now to continue!!!???
so, i tried to stop the steamroller and ended up with windows having buggered up my initial c:\ install of itself - presumably because it had now been setting up a system based on a dual install
so eventually i go back and check bootcfg via recovery console and it seems to be pointing to the original drive so that's not the problem
so i chose the "repair" option on next boot
now windows has taken upon itself that repair, in my case, needed a complete reinstall of itself
so i am now right back at the beginning, and will have to start all over with taming the windows environment
thanks a fcuking lot! :(

sorry about that,
i'm just p!ssy right now and needed to get that off my chest
i guess i should've used some other tool for formatting my other drive but stupidly believed windows should allow for it, as the tools are obviously there
diskmanager in XP takes care of partitioning, installing and choosing what types of diskt you want (dynamic, striped, etc...)
if i had been of sound mind then i probably would've thought it out calmly
i'm generally pretty good with the inner workings of xp under normal circumstances

the background to my frustrated state at the moment is a catlogue of errors:
1) buy new cpu within asus mobo's limits
2) asus mobo still throws a wobbler, blaming ram
3) old cpu gets replaced but heatsink touches capacitor and fries it - me has to move to a StinkPad 380z for i-net connection
4) new mobo purchased - awaiting delivery (paid £10 total for prompt delivery)
5) after nearly a week (what'd my "prompt" delivery pay for?) s/hand, previously rma'd mobo w/ parts missing arrives!!!
6) sent mobo back at cost to myself of £6.55, request replacement "a NEW one, as i paid for"
7) no news about rma received, although royal mail confirm it got there
8) waited 2 weeks over easter period due to "backlog" until i gave up and asked for a refund
9) got refund (minus all delivery costs: £16.55 :(). ordered same board from a different firm
10) NEW board arrived yesterday after the courier's second attempt at finding my address

you gotta understand, i've had an unused (by me) 256mb 9800xt sat here doing nothing for over a month now!!! ;)
Please provide us more technical details: mobo, cpu, ram, hd model, etc........