Windows CE and PDA devices


Retarded moron
Where can I find information about the types of CPUs and GPUs on those things.
I'm going to be doing graphics heavy work on those things and I need information about them.

So far I've dug up some libraries I can use:
SDL, SQLite and TinyXML and my own from current development.

The problem is that I will not know the specs I will work on until our(my group and I) client tells us.
OpenGL ES is on PDAs? Amazing. Thank you. I wasn't aware of this.
I don't even know if PDAs are computers or something else.
off course they are computers. a 100% compatible IBM PC in PDA form factor would be a PDA. a PDA with real keyb, mouse and screen would be a desktop computer.

on the borderline, the PDA that happen to have a phone in it (called smartphones). or even plain phones that you can download games for $$ on them. those are PDA / computers, but locked or crippled by the phone company. they certainly are computers, except in the sense we don't usually call a console a computer.
As far as PDA's go, I'd recommend looking at the newer Oragami PCs, or something like the Oqo or Oqo 2, or Sony's equivalent palmtop PC.

In the PDA realm, I believe the Dell Axim x51v is basically the top of the hardware heap, as it's the only one I know of with a 3d accelerator built in.
Thanks guys.
Anyone know of a PDA emulator? I just need to test performance on semi-decent PDAs as worst case scenario.
Microsoft PocketPC emulators don't attempt to emulate the performance of the real devices. They only attempt to emulate the WindowsCE environment of the device.
Microsoft PocketPC emulators don't attempt to emulate the performance of the real devices. They only attempt to emulate the WindowsCE environment of the device.

I don't know of any emulators that attempt to emulate the performance of the device, in that case I'd say just pick up a used pda on ebay.