Windows 2003 Enterprise Edidtion

Hello All,

I am working with Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition but I have having some issues. I have been researching it on the net, but I thought I might see if any of you could help out. I have 8 GB of memory loading into the board, but Windows is only seeing 3527 MB.

Any ideas,
Dr. Ffreeze
I'm guessing this is Intel hardware. I'm not sure if the extra addressing bits kick in automagically, you might have to turn something on in the BIOS.

Additionally, if I understand Intels > 32bit addressing scheme properly, only 4 GB of memory will be visible at any given time.

It is an Asus SK8N AMD Athlon FX 51. It is not an AMD x86-64 bit aware OS, so the Athlon would have to use Intel's >32 bit addressing scheme (PSE). You might be on to something though, because it is a quazi page flipping, it might only see 4 GB at a time. I would think that at least the OS would report the total memory (the 4GB and the extra amount that can be page flipped).

Any other ideas?
Dr. Ffreeze
Out of curiosity, does the FX support PSE?

If it does then spiff. Just to see if it's some weird hardware problem, would it be possible for you to get a x86-64 aware OS? I'm pretty sure something like Net BSD would have a release -- they have a philosophy to support as many platforms as possible.

BTW, I'm not saying MS is teh suck, with that BSD suggestion.

Out of curiosity, does the FX support PSE?

I would think it would when it was running non x86-64 aware OS's, but I have not had time to check. I am doing 100 things at the same time. =)

If it does then spiff. Just to see if it's some weird hardware problem would it be possible for you to get a x86-64 aware OS?

I have tried a 64bit diag, and it sees all of the memory. When it boots up, it counts all of the memory, but in the BIOS after hitting DEL, it only reports 3527 MB. My main hunch is that I did something wrong or I didn't do something I should have when I installed Enterprise Edition. I might install Windows XP 64 (or whatever it is called) and just see how much memory it reports.

Dr. Ffreeze
Most likely in beta.

PS. I'd like to call Dr Freeze a luck bastard at this point because he's getting to play with neat things.