I simply linked to the article, said nothing more. It didn't deserve a lock.
Beside, somebody asked for an exact translation in the locked thread, so here I go.
Beside, somebody asked for an exact translation in the locked thread, so here I go.
Well, the article makes it clear, there is yet another unidentified “media processor†involved in Kutaragi’s strategy.Cellのほかに、メディアプロセッサを開発
Development of a new media processor in addition to Cell
Concerning the Cell under development, vice president Kutaragi stated that 「it will be put into TV, home server, and entertainment devices in 2005~2006. 」as well as adding that「Cell is a network processor. To handle different kinds of broadband media, an entirely new media processor is needed in addition to Cell, and this will form the single core of digital consumer electronics.」, so the existence of a media processor used in conjunction with Cell has been revealed.