Joe DeFuria
kyleb said:....and from that understood that committing aggressive attacks such as those waged by the terrorist would serve to vindicate the instigation of violence.
Agreed. And that's why we aren't going to hijak Iraqi airplanes filled with civilians and run them into civilian targets with the express purpose of killing Iraqi civilians as our "response."
In short, our forthcoming "aggresive attack" on Iraq is NOTHING "such as thoses" waged by terrorists on us.
I know you obviously disagree with that. But I can not let your implication that any attack on Iraq is not much different than terrorist attacks themselves, go unchallenged.
exactly, i don't belive that i should be able to kill someone in this society just because i have convinced myself that the person might kill me first.
And where is it stated that our goal is to kill iraqis or even kill Sadam, because we think Iraqis might kill us first?
Our core disagreement is this:
YOU believe that the fact that civilians (and possibly Sadam himself) will be killed as a consequence to the action to oust Sadam's regime, is the NO DIFFERENT than us going into Iraq purposely killing as many Iraqi's as we can because "Iraq" is a threat to us.
The two are COMPLETELY different, IMO.
but if there is nothing like that to be found i would not be shocked if some evidence was manufactured to serve the same purpose; after all there are a lot of people who think that what others belive is more important than the truth and understanding that i cannot see that this course is a good one to follow.![]()
I was wrong. I said there would be accusations of manufacturing / plantig evidence AFTER it was found. It looks like it's begun PRE-EMPTIVELY.