Why do you like SinglePlayer gameplay with commentary?


Elite Bug Hunter
So these last few days i've been streaming FF7 Remake and the viewers keeps asking for commentary. So im curious, why prefer gameplay with commentary?

i mean... for PvP or team based PvE like Destiny raid, yeah commentary could give more color as you are watching the gameplay and the interaction between humans, while the game story took a backseat. But for Single player game like FF7 Remake, with lots of in-game dialogue, why prefer with commentary?
So these last few days i've been streaming FF7 Remake and the viewers keeps asking for commentary. So im curious, why prefer gameplay with commentary?
I have 0 clue about that game .
But people generally like to know the decisions you make , if aplicable.
If you min max a game, they'd like to know the numbers. If instead you roleplay, they'd like insights into your `character`.

So to sum up, you bring more on the table for the viewers. Maybe they can then watch another stream of the same game, because the commentary makes it different enoungh. Or maybe they can come to your stream, having already watched the game on a different stream

Also with npc dialogue, you can comment on what dialogue options to choose. Or you can let the audience pick.
I don't, I prefer to enjoy the game without comments except if gameplay comments/analysis and I certainly don't care about the face of the guy making the video...

That's understandable. But IMO streaming is superflous when consuming such content. A video on Youtube or similar platforms, with possibly some editing, would be better suited.
Maybe they want to know if folks are thinking the same things or if there are things that one missed or trivia?


I certainly don't care about the face of the guy making the video...

Also I'm never going to watch a stream with YouTube/streaming UI over the screen, i.e. X just subscribed to this channel. I'm pretty sure most people watching a game stream, want to see the game.