Which of these two monitors is better?

I'd start reading a lot of reviews. I'm thinking of buying an LCD as well, and I really had no idea about many of the specs related to LCD monitors. From what I understand, a lot of the spec claims are pretty sketchy, and it's best to read a good review to understand the real specs of the monitor, especially related to contrast and response time.
The549 said:
Does dvi matter that much?


A good analogy is copying an audio CD through the line-out. Try this!

Without DVI your digital desktop image is converted to analog by your "gc" and back to digital by your monitor. Rather stupid...
Tigerdirect was being dumb and sneaky, wouldn't take the review I had, so here it is, for the good of the community:

I'm not particularly an LCD junkie. I needed an lcd monitor good for general use and gaming:

The bad:
-Ended up with one dead pixel on the lower right, another half-dead pixel on the left (you can only see it if you're face is less than a foot from the screen). Disappointing, but virtually never noticeable. massaging helped some.
-For those who are more anal about the picture quality: along some edges there is a greater brightness that you'll only notice when viewing a black screen.

The not bad:
-This monitor is EXTREMELY BRIGHT. I generally keep it on a less bright setting, even in the daytime. I actually wish that I was able to dim it more than it will allow.
-This monitor seems to look like it's meant to be lower on the desk. As you can see in the photos, it can't be raised more than a few inches above the desk. This wasn't a problem for me.
-Gaming on this is awesome. Again, I'm not lcd junkie, but I had a crt before this monitor, and I cannot tell or feel any ghosting or delay in this monitor.
-I'm happy with the purchase.
What kind of CRT did you have before you got the new monitor? (Oh, and thanks for the review...you're making me consider doing something bad.... ;) )
The549 said:
Does dvi matter that much?

Yes, because otherwise your picture quality will be dependent on the analog filters on your videocard, as well as the quality of the monitor cable. Don't waste your money on an LCD monitor without DVI input, especially if you already have DVI-out on your videocard. You'll likely be keeping the monitor longer than your videocard anyway, so you'll be painting yourself into a corner for years to come, which obviously is dumb.

DVI will start to play a larger and larger role as time passes which makes me believe manufacturers may start to skimp (even more) on the analog filters on their vidcards. So get yourself some DVI goodness, alrighty? :D
I had a really old crt from the early 90's. 14" and headache causing. For brightness, I'm comparing it to lcds I see in the store, and my roomate's dell lcd, which looks really dull in comparison.

And this is dvi, too.
The549 said:
I had a really old crt from the early 90's. 14" and headache causing. For brightness, I'm comparing it to lcds I see in the store, and my roomate's dell lcd, which looks really dull in comparison.

And this is dvi, too.

Well, the brightness hasn't all that much to do with whether it's DVI or not, but it does have an impact on image quality, really...

One thing though... what I don't get is why getting a DVI is more expensive than VGA-only? Should be cheaper to do DVI-only or at the very least it shouldn't add that much cost to include it anyway... A/D conversion and all that.