Whereforeartthou Wii?


3dfx Fan
Have neighbor in dire need of a Wii (sans $600 "bundles") for a 5 year old with serious balance/coordination issues for xmas. Anyone know where to get one without camping out?

I'll probably loan mine for xmas morning if he can't find one but threw out the packaging...
Have neighbor in dire need of a Wii (sans $600 "bundles") for a 5 year old with serious balance/coordination issues for xmas. Anyone know where to get one without camping out?

I'll probably loan mine for xmas morning if he can't find one but threw out the packaging...

Look for smaller retailers that might carry them. When I got mine, back around launch, everyone was lining up outside Best Buy and I went to an out-of-the-way EBGames and got mine no problem. The smaller guys get them less frequently, but they have less traffic.
At least you should be able to find people who can lend you their packaging. ;)

Another tip is find someone who goes on a holiday to Europe, though with the current weak dollar that's not a that big help probably
It seems most retailers are hoarding them for "Black Friday" which is something I never participate in (shopping frenzy the early AM after Thanksgiving day). Whatever. I'll loan the guy mine and put it in the imac packaging (kid computer to run windowz mainly since it's cuter than that new dell for the same $$ and has a 2600 pro instead of 2400) I wind up with next week :)
The EBGames near work (downtown Manhattan) had 30 Wii's this morning. Walked in there and picked one up along with Galaxy and Guitar Hero. Went with two coworkers who picked one up too and there were about 10 left. Either we got lucky or people don't know about this particular store.
I could send you one from HK at no markup, since it's you, Mize. But, it would be Japanese, and shipping would not be cheap, and well, i guess yu'd have to trust me or something. or, i'd have to trust you... or i guess we could use escrow. XD how eloquent of me!

PS if this is illegal, mods, than simpy inform me and delete the post; i honestly am not sure.
Thanks poopypoo. I'd have no issue doing a transaction with a fellow b3der, but, since I've got one and this is for a neighbor...meh...I just signed him up for in stock alerts at a few places.

HK is a nice town. Saw the Stones there a few years ago.