Where Is Malice?

Ok then fair enough, Zelda and ICO aren't platformers.

BTW in your last post you said that I made no sense based on something I didn't even say. You then said I was making excuses for Nintendo based on something I didn't say either. Am I expecting to much to get a "ok my mistake" for the time I took to explain that?
It was more a case of a misunderstanding then, and I wasn't even the only one to point out the flaw in your logic. OK, you made yourself clear, so I'm sorry for the trouble, but you could have avoided the trouble if you quoted the proper thought from the beginning.

You basicaly quoted this:
The best system for platformers is obviously PS2 right now: J&D, R&C, ICO, Maximo. Sony beat Nintendo at their own game IMO.
And answered this:
You seem to forget that Sony had over a year and a half head start on GC with PS2.

How was I supposed to know that you are answering to 'Sony beat Nintendo at their own game' part, when you also quoted the 'right now' part and brought the time difference in the equation?
Yeah see this was never about Nintendo being 'beaten at their own game'....I was merely making it clear that the extra time Sony's had also came with some cons as well, so like marconelly! points out, it only matters what is out right now. Also I'm not here to call anyone a hypocrite, like I said, I'm just saying that Sony's extra time to build up on more platformers isn't really the issue here, because they could have waited an extra year too and had better technology to put into their system.

Keep in mind that I bring up the technology issue merely for argumentative sake to show that Nintendo had the extra time to put out whatever they saw the competition didn't have ...I say this because I know it probably seems off topic to the whole software issue.

Ok I suppose there was room for confusion there.


Well you did seem to mention this PS2 outdated thing as an argument against what I was saying. Which is why I argued with it. Because while I do agree that PS2 has good reason to be worse then GC (from a hardware point of view) since it was released years earlier that doesn't really go against what I was saying about Johhny's comment being unfair on Nintendo (when he said that Sony have beaten Nintendo at there own game).[/quote]