IMHO, this board has been way too lenient with regard to spamming in the past. It does no good to have multiple threads with 3+ pages of "X game is beautiful" / "no its fugly" or "Y console looks like crap" / "no its awesome". There are too many threads in this board that contain more than a dozen kindergarten-level "yeah-huh" and "nuh-uh" posts. When it interrupts a formerly civil thread, spamming can be just as detrimental as flaming.
For all that can be said about how nice it would be if everyone just ignored the spamming/disruptive poster, that's just not going to happen. When a poster repeatedly make posts that lead to long, nonintelligent discussions, that is his responsibility. When a poster causes the same stupid arguement in every thread he posts in, that is his responsibility.
To clarify, I don't think anyone should be banned immediately. However, when a moderator sees a poster making inflammatory statements and participating in the resulting spam/flame war, that person should be warned. And if the poster continues participating in spam or flames, they should be removed from the forum.
As for the "10 people" rule... extreme unpopularity is not grounds for an immediate ban, but it is definitely reason for concern. It's not easy to piss off so many people if you are doing absolutely nothing wrong. If anoyne has recieved >10 ban request, moderators should really take a good hard look over all their posts.