When do you guys think World War 3 will happen?

Depends how you look at it. Some say the Napoleonic wars was the real ww1. Or that the cold war was in fact ww3. Some are deluded into thinking the terrorist campaign is a world war...
DaveBaumann said:
Visit the console forum at or around E3 2005 - thats when WW3 will be happening! :LOL:

Small skirmishes have already erupted, ;) . But who are axis powers?? :D
DaveBaumann said:
Visit the console forum at or around E3 2005 - thats when WW3 will be happening! :LOL:

I thought it just happened over in the Fanboy & Idi... whoops I mean 3D Technology & Hardware the other week or so ;)

Anyways, hehe yeah definately will be interesting watching the fanboys for each console company light up their flamethrowers :p

WW3, not sure when it will happen but I would say not in the too near future likely but its hard to predict since the type of thing to cause it would most likely be a coup or major change in government in one of the major countries in the world

Example say a coup occurs in China but isn't completely successful resulting in a civil war, I can easily see the US then joining in to support the coup side, while N. Korea would choose the communist party to support. Russia would likely sell arms to each side and I could imagine something could go wrong to elevate including them in. Japan might as a result of this decide its a good time for them to build a defensive force and if the weather looks right decide to try to wipe out N Korea and gather some land from China. With war near them Pakistan and India might once again start getting worried and posting troops potentially elevating troubles. Now you have a lot of countries with each a few short range nukes they could launch at each other and cause potential disasters. Easily as well while China is in turmoil this means there is the potentiality for other countries to try to purchase nukes which don't have them (say by getting countries to aid them with the promise of nukes). And of course it wouldn't stop there and would keep on snowballing.

Edit: War in the Middle East, could be sparked by Israel overruning Palestine, but unless they are quickly invaded and another country takes over their nukes I can't see a conflict really escalating above a regional one (besides terrorists attacks worldwide).
I think we've seen the last conflict of that magnitude. The peace threats left are relatively few and I'm optimistic that they'll go away sooner or later. The day the whole world is democratized, then I guess we can safely say that a WW3 won't happen.
If there is a huge economic disaster world wide and the intent is there for war then I doubt even democracy could save the world from another world war.
Come on, would humanity be foolish enough to forget about the past en millions and millions of men, women and children killed?

The question is not 'will there be a third world war', but rather 'does there has to be a third world war'? As previous World Wars proved out, the answer on that question is one hundred percent certain 'no'. In a large war there are no winners or losers.

Or is your Sega Apocalypse console going to destroy France or something, Sega R&D? :LOL:
WW3 will happen, it's just a matter of when.

The world will never be democratized and even if it were possible it will not prevent greed, power trips and many other human sins.
N had this to say, two first chapters have already happened. the last chapter would seem to be interesting in this ww3 respect... would seem to be near future now that Saddam has been transferred!

"Les Prophéties complètes de Nostradamus"

Sur le tiers avant les Ides de Septembre
Oiseaux de la chute de fer des cieux.
Le feu et la mort dans la ville des tours
C'est un jour d'obscurité.
(IX centuria, 55)

Appeler le vengeance sur les oiseaux,
Le fils suit son père,
Deuxième bataille sur les champs brûlants d'huile;
Après la Bête est emprisonnée.
(VII centuria, 23)

L'âge d'Uranus approche, un hiver du froid de mort,
Quand le fils exécute la Bête
Cette mort irrite ses sectateurs:
Leur épée heurte à l'ouest.
(V centuria, 5)
DaveBaumann said:
Visit the console forum at or around E3 2005 - thats when WW3 will be happening! :LOL:

Yeh the console forum on B3D is highly popular! Dunno why in fact it's so populair on B3D.

K.I.L.E.R said:
The world will never be democratized

Don't say that. It's heading right in that direction. Over the last couple of decades dictatorships have fallen left and right, and democracies are now in majority. With increasing globalisation, dictatorships will get an even harder time surviving.
Humus said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
The world will never be democratized

Don't say that. It's heading right in that direction. Over the last couple of decades dictatorships have fallen left and right, and democracies are now in majority. With increasing globalisation, dictatorships will get an even harder time surviving.
I live in a democracy but im still in favor of invading France and pillaging their women. :p