Gimmee some real G80 info and I'll be happy to get all geeky about it!
Edit: Didn't notice the sig change? In other words, "Next!"
EditII: And, btw, before you say "not having any facts didn't slow you down on R520", I beg to differ, and in fact would point it the ones we did have as causing a large percentage of the tail-chasing: 16 pipes. Everyone else reporting 24/32 pipes. Ring-bus. 300-350m transistors. That was plenty to head-scratch over.
Well, I'm single again, and loving it, i moved into a fabulous new apartment, modelling's not going anywhere. Oh and apparently John abused of me last night but i can't remember.
Surprised? No. Marginally disappointed in NV? Yes, at least if it was by a significant margin.
Even so, I'm pretty much considering R580 a known quantity at this point for the kind of thing that causes me to geek out (and it ain't an extra 10% mhz, if you missed that).
Surprised? No. Marginally disappointed in NV? Yes, at least if it was by a significant margin.
Even so, I'm pretty much considering R580 a known quantity at this point for the kind of thing that causes me to geek out (and it ain't an extra 10% mhz, if you missed that).
Well, I'm single again, and loving it, i moved into a fabulous new apartment, modelling's not going anywhere. Oh and apparently John abused of me last night but i can't remember.